The meaning of “Sin” what is it Really ……Part 2


Meaning of “Sin”

Part 2

The part 1 of this post ended with the question about “sin”, if you understood what God considers a sin to be and if you personally feel they are forgiven.  If you did not have time to think about it then do this for yourself so you can find inner peace about following your faith.  This post will be going over my following and beliefs, for the Bible to me is a piece of history with the Old Testament so my main focus is with following the New Testament (doing my best) the teachings of Jesus our Lord and Savior.  

Following the Part 1 of this post with the 10 Commandments and the 7 Deadly Sins, will continue with my belief that all divine faith-based religions or beliefs have similar guidelines.  There is no denial of what is right and wrong for our inner self will always inform us but at times we wish to ignore those messages/feelings.  Christian followers in the New Testament Jesus preached that “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12).  That message is very clear so if we don’t completely understand what a ‘sin’ is then ask yourself “how would I feel if this was done or said about or done to me”?  If you get a bad feeling then this means your actions or words are not in God’s favor.  This is mentioned as well in the Commandments with the #9 Thou shalt not bear false witness; so this means with anyone not just family or friends but anyone!!  If you are one to say well it really was not a false witness for I know the facts to be true so it’s not a sin, well think about it even if the story is true would you want others to speak of you and share your personal stories that you don’t want others to know about or actually need to know about, and was it done to hurt that person or was it in good faith to acquire assistance for them.  If I want to share my story with everyone then I will, really don’t need a speaker…do you??  

There is a saying which I honestly don’t believe in at all, that children are told to say it but in my opinion it should not continue is the one that goes; “sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me”!  This saying was meant for empowerment but it is misleading for if you let yourself get hurt by others’ words then it would make you feel weak and others saw you that way as well.  The imprisonment that we feel later in life for those words if we didn’t defend ourselves correctly then it will continue to repeat itself until we work through them.  In history how many times was the situation that people were imprisoned or even killed due to someone’s view of what occurred blaming someone that they say was guilty for they witnessed the situation when some of it was lies and others were mistaken identity.  The world is full of gossip which opens the gates of criticisms and hateful actions yet everyone keeps wondering “why are all these things happening”? There are a group of us that knows why and it will only get worse if all we keep doing is attracting the enviousness, hatred, and judgement, then this world will turn into a terrible darkness with a lot of destructions.  

The 8th Commandment; Thou shalt not steal - this to me is tricky for it seems to be a very clear statement but to me it really isn’t.  One may think of it in a way that it will be more due to stealing a form of property; but think about it if you have lied or cheated a person or company in a deceptive manner then are you not really stealing???!!!  If you get that nudge like it hit a certain button inside of you guess what you have committed this “sin”.  The one that for me is not to be categorized as an actual sin is when it’s an orphan child that the only way to survive is by stealing food, this to me doesn’t qualify in the same way.  I believe the merchant that accuses them is the one that created the worse sin in that situation not the child that stoled.  The children are always innocent when there is problems in the home due to the adults that were to care for them even if it wasn’t their parents (due to death) for the families or even friends should of taken over to care for them.  This you see in many countries as well as our own which makes no sense to me at all!! Geez if I figure out a way to feed feral cats how can a child not ever be taken in and be offered food and/or shelter if one can’t offer it then search for someone that can! We need to not think that it should go to someone else to respond, for this is why all the disasters wether natural or man made is occurring.  Getting back to the commandments or laws things are not always so “black and white” for there may be reasons that require exceptions to every rule in both God’s laws and Man’s Law (government).  The best clarity we can receive is to go to Jesus’ teachings or the teachings you follow that offers the positive outlooks, they are not meant to be easy this is why the key ingredient is always ‘faith’ for if you believe that doing the righteous action will give you the opportunity to receive abundance no matter how difficult of an action it can be then you are on the right track!! Does this mean we will be perfect “NO” it does not but don’t you think God (universe….) knows that for he created us and we failed the first test (Adam & Eve) immediately, so therefore we are always “sinners” in the human body.  Yet there are great rewards within all the midst and we receive signs, messages, warnings…etc… to do the correct thing or action.  This assures us that we are never ever alone in this world to be able to rectify our actions so we may continue to lead an abundant life.

The 7 Deadly Sins are ones that are followed by some religions and the Part 1 post has a link that offers great detailed information about them, so make sure to read it.  These are the list of the 7  ; Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth

They are thought as abuses or excessive versions not that millisecond you felt it for sometimes one needs to feel them to endure a bit but to the positive measures not negatives.  For example ‘envy’ when someone is able to get a new car and you still have your old car that you don’t know how long it has to go, you may feel that “envy” feeling creep up but then you bless them on their gift with a true heart and it gives you the motivation to work on that goal.  If it bothers you this means it was meant as a wake-up call that you also deserve a newer car so ask for guidance and wipe the excuses off whatever they may be, for we all have them! The one that drew my attention was Sloth which I looked up the meaning of this word so here’s the dictionary (Google) definition; a habitual disinclination to exertion or laziness wether mental, spiritual, pathological and physical.  The inactivity one invites sin; for Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do.  The word ‘sloth’ in the Latin term is Acadia which means ‘without care’.  This is not relating to feeling this once in awhile but it is when it takes over your life (i.e. addictions in any form) and this allows the darkness to sneak in and most of us are not even aware of it.  This also starts creating more sins especially with the 10 Golden Rules the Commandments.

The main awareness that I received was that yes God is a forgiving God but he allows us to repent but if we continue with the same errors then our path will have those bumps or if it continues the ‘sinkhole’ which are more difficult to get out of until the lesson(s) is learned or we stop committing that sin.  This world continues to be filled with injustices, hatred, and worse of all bigotry (dictionary; obstinate or unreasonable attachment to belief, opinion or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group).  This is why it is so important for all of us to understand the true meaning of what “sin” is so that we may all be able to pursue a fulfilled and happy life.  Just follow your heart/gut feelings and think before you speak directly or indirectly to another, for words do hurt as well as they can also save another person.  We are all here together in this great planet Earth  with either some or different struggles but we all in the past or present have experienced them wether it has been; emotionally, physically, spiritually or some even all of the above.  This is our blessed time in this world so all of us are to be heard, to be seen, and most of all to be LOVED!  No mammal on this earth can survive well alone and if God (universe) created differences then there must be a great reason on ‘why’  so there is no reason that we need to question that or defiantly attempt to change it.  If your strength is to listen then listen, if yours is to speak then speak, if yours is to aide then aide….how much we give is not the question for if done full heartedly with love, it is more valuable then attempting to be a “perfect” believer or follower of whatever belief or religion you follow.  There have been times when it has been mentioned to me that I see the world with “rose-colored glasses” and yes this maybe true but no matter what comes even if they may fall off of me for a while or might have been misplaced, I won’t stop trying to put them back on again!  Don’t let Satan win and keep us blinded by the truth of what is seen as a dishonorable action in God’s view for we can not change what we don’t acknowledge so if you feel you haven’t sinned then you can't repent.

I hope these 2 posts have given some clarity and my prayers that all of us will start putting those rose-color glasses on even in our trails for this is when our own faith will be needed the most.  Whatever positive thing will pull you away as well as pulling you up to see that beautiful sunset that has been granted for all of us, then do that immediately and don’t delay.  

As all the creatures of the world enjoys the richness that the sky and ground beholds, why must I believe that I no longer shall receive

This message is for all of us, so remember that we are given these gifts but we have not all honored them for the views have been distorted and the beautiful sounds silenced for it was not the creator who took them away it has been us that have destroyed it.

Thank you for reading these posts and sending much love and may you be open to receive the blessings.

Maria E. Padron
Ordained Minister, LMT/Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach, Energy Bodywork Therapist

Feel free to contact me via email at:


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