The Cries of the Body

The Cries of the Body

Even though I have always been sensitive and aware of my body’s reactions to the external and internal substances, I just realized at 62 years wiser (LOL) how much I do try to control my surroundings, situations, as well as my body to follow my thoughts and desires.  For many years since my early 30s I was diagnosed with Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and was informed if not controlled in later years it can turn into Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar aka Diabetes).  A part of me knew it was due to stress for it did occur after my massage course and studying for my massage license.  The divine guides which is also what some call “inner wisdom” there were messages that was given about taking time to relax and meditate.  There was information given to me from specialist in the Health industry as well as books I read to separate my meals into smaller portions so I will eat every 2-3 hours in the day which helps also with your metabolism which is the proper way for everyone to actually eat.  This helps as well with the glucose levels in your body so there is not an overflow and what is not used won’t go into storage in your fat cells, so for overall health it is the ideal method (which was done thousands of years ago so it’s not a new method).  My self controlling ways felt that my body will just need to deal with how my time restraint is and that was not a possible task, which is a way of the denial words that we give ourselves in any situation of our lives.  The amazing lies we tell ourselves when the correct actions for us to take are the ones that are difficult and/or inconvenient for us to do, but life has an interesting turn to inform us that there is no easy way!  

In my very late 50s (58) a few months prior myself and others noticed how much weight I was losing in total I lost 56 lbs and no change in my diet, just a new supplement that was taking to help with carbs and cravings.  There were symptoms that was showing up like constant urination, exhaustion, my fingertips were dehydrated and my left foot kept swelling but thought it was due to my HBP.  Now were there intuitive signs/messages of course there was but as always the denial came and as I was losing weight and had the excuse of no insurance, I didn’t even get a free glucose test that was offered to me at work.  Well my body took over and there was a bacterial skin infection I got (in very private area) that no matter what essential oils that I researched then blended nothing was working.  I did show my niece for she was who I could trust and as she works at a doctor’s office so she can also get information and when she told me it looked like Impetigo and there’s only prescription that can cure it to go to the Health Department for they will work with your earnings.  Well I did and I did receive a prescription and the NP asked me if I wanted to do a physical for with my low income approval it is a very low fee, so I knew it was time and agreed.  When I came back to go over my labs this is when I was informed on 01/31/2020 that I was a diabetic my fasting was over 300 and when they did the test in office it was close to 500 and the A1C was 14 which the highest is 7.5 and was informed that there is no other option but to go on Insulin immediately and there was no longer any denials that I could have!  That was a start to a new journey and from then on the mission was to get off insulin as soon as possible and did research for natural supplements to be introduced to help my body recuperate the neglect that was given by not working with my body.  Now this was over 4 years ago and the journey had it’s challenges but it gave me a lot of gifts in life as well.  I learned to appreciate food more and also to learn not to be a glutton with food with overeating especially on Holidays.  The insulin was taken off in July 2021 when my body started rejecting it with red blotches at the injection site and my glucose levels were lower than 80 which is lower than average.  So my A1C has been at 6.5 at the highest for the past years but when my insurance expired in October 2022 due to my employer closing the educational company, I didn’t keep up with my blood glucose and figured that am doing fine.  This is when the new journey in my life will begin……

This year was a new start of many new and old challenges with my life and of course my body for am getting closer to my retirement age and still personally not at the place finically I want to be.  So with self development learning to trust in God completely not halfway as I have done, my body decided to join in the game… In the end of February there was a challenge within the close family that all of us were trying to assist and understand the circumstances with no scientific findings in any level within our family unit.  It still is a mystery and of course as I am a natural healer, I was trying to do my part to see if there were any answers, the messages received was “all will come clear soon” which it did but understanding God’s soon and ours is very different.  With this the pollen reacted on my body in a very mysterious way for it gave me a high temperature until I took Tylenol Extra Strength and the fever broke and not repeating until there was extended exposure to anything that was herbal (sage and incense) and pollen.  I had to wear a mask when I went outside even for 5 minutes if not within a few hours I would get a high fever of over 101.  This went on for 2 months constantly and the family situation was still in the unclear situation with a diagnoses but still no understanding of the symptoms.  So my appetite I noticed was also being affected and then in June my niece questioned if I have been checking my blood glucose levels, for I was losing weight but thought it was due to my lack of appetite, so again the signs were ignored.  When I did check my blood glucose levels was over 250 fasting, so here I was again not learning from the signs for I was having a lot of exhaustion, kept feeling dehydrated and even my urine was not looking the same.  Due that I again neglected to check my levels on a daily routine as I should have (which I had a lot of supplies) my body got to the point that it was literally “crying out to me” for attention.  The first one which is honestly easy to ignore was the weird allergy reaction to pollen, had a sharp pain on my left upper side which felt like trapped gas but could honestly be the pancreas, lost of weight with unknown reasons and the dehydration which is one of the main signs.  The amazing thing of the body is that it knew it was in danger which did turn my appetite away from certain foods that were not good for me even when I craved them I got filled quickly so I did not over eat.  There was no more denying that my body was not well and my stubbornness as well as being controlling over my body and life needs to change and SOON!  The stress we encounter in life will always occur there is no changing that it’s even written in the Bible, how we deal with it is what matters.  With my belief in the Divine power of the Trinity (God Father, God Son, God Holy Spirit) there was no stronger message that has been given to me than “Let Go and Let God”.  My eyes needed to be opened and my ears needed to listen to what has been laid out for me that there could no longer be any denials.  The awareness that we close ourselves off to listening and seeing what’s in front of us is still amazing for the whispers are always there but we push them aside cause there are other issues that requires (in our belief) our attention more.  

Including myself it is funny how we mere humans believe that we actually can manipulate our time and our lives, yet we quickly blame God and/or question him/her on why things happen to us when in all honesty we should turn it to ourselves.  Why are we not paying attention to those whispers and signs?  We are granted this body which is the vessel to our soul, to accomplish what we were sent here to do and follow the path that the divine has paved for us.  We are to nourish the body not to fulfill our tastebuds or desires, we are to provide it with movement, oxygen and take caution when required so we can have a fruitful filled life.  We are to rest our minds so we can find enrichment with being quiet and in the moment, not just to go to sleep.  We are given a beautiful world filled with wonders for us to touch, smell see, and hear all it’s beauty, not just for vacation sites or retreats.  We are so busy in regretting yesterday’s choices and/or worrying about tomorrow’s errands, that we don’t enjoy the moments we have in the present making us feel that our life is just slipping away.  There really is no surprise that the most plentiful country in this world (USA) has the highest health issues in all of the world!!  The amazing thing is that the majority of Americans are so shocked at these statistics, even for those of us that are in the Health field.  We will educate others but the majority of us don’t even follow our own advise until we become one of those statistics.  That is what has happened to me for it is not out of lack of knowledge for the information was always available there for me in books and past researches and always been aware of my body’s reactions, but the denial is what causes the heightened circumstances to arise.  
Finally it came to me that I, like many others, do have controlling issues not with people but for my life situations including my health as well as being stubborn more than I was really aware of.  Luckily my body does kick back and forces me to “wake up” to reality before it really becomes too late, which because of my denial the other diabetic side effect is “Peripheral Neuropathy” which has made my legs weak and have light spasms consistently.  Diabetes is no joke and there are no shortcuts, once you have it you will always have it just like High Blood Pressure and these are two diseases that will cause dangerous effects to other organs if not controlled.  We all need to make ourselves a priority in our lives not the last one on the list, for you can’t serve others if you can’t even serve yourself.  God does not want that for you and he demands that after him you come next, then you can offer your services to others, so don’t put yourself on the shelf for later, take care of yourself Now in the present so the future you will have for the rest of your circle and those that are in your path to serve.

By Maria Elena Padron
Written on 6/10/2024

Praying for Love and Health for all in Jesus Christ name I pray!!!  


  1. Very well said. Far too often we put ourselves, especially our health on the back burner because we don't make time. The time is now and no time is better than now. Restraint and consistency is everything. Be accountable. Thank you for sharing. Glad you're off insulin.


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