
Showing posts from January, 2012

Massage..Luxury or necessity

Maria's Wellness & Spa Therapies When you think of "massage" do you feel that it is nice but just a luxury item, or do you see it as a important maintance in holistic therapy?  If you have suffered from Siactic pain or Chronic Pain Syndrome then massage is not a luxury but

Secret to a Healthy Body

Have you ever imagined having a magic wand so you can make things appear? You keep wishing and wishing when one does not realize that the magic wand is actually yourself. "The Law of Attraction" states "Like attracts Like", so if you feel it in your heart and think it things will come your way. 

When God Speaks

When you ask God a question what response are you waiting to hear? Do you expect this loud voice to come through or do you know that it comes in messages or signs? .... Well years ago I expected this loud voice to come through and not realizing that those gutt feelings, doubts in my head, strange feelings that someone was not trustworthy were the messages God was