When God Speaks

When you ask God a question what response are you waiting to hear? Do you expect this loud voice to come through or do you know that it comes in messages or signs? ....
Well years ago I expected this loud voice to come through and not realizing that those gutt feelings, doubts in my head, strange feelings that someone was not trustworthy were the messages God was
 sending via his Angels, Guides, etc.  I was expecting this loud voice to be very noticeable and clear.  Now when I pray to our Heavenly Father I know I must also be still and listen.  When I read the words of the devotion books and bible I also stay quite and listen to the subtle messages I am intended to hear.  There may be times that there are no messages just passages to read and appreciate the meaning, so I know that this message is not as relavant for me at this moment.  The words are always important to hear just as those around us are important for us to listen too.  One may not understand at the time the meaning of what we are witnessing but it does stay in our mind and will relate to it in a later time.  The subtle messages that we need to listen too will get to our hearts and we know when that one is meant for us, so listen and don't question it.  God is always listening the question is are we?  So remember when you pray, give thanks to God for all the beautiful things surrounding us, the new beginning of the day, and if there are questions you may ask, then remember to listen not for his voice but the subtle messages given to you through out the day.  He always makes sure that we are provided for and we also must do our part.  As we giveth we will receiveth.  So when your friend ask for help, co-worker or even a stranger remember if you had ask God for help today.  We are all his children and each of us have our own free will but it does not mean that even if we took a wrong trun that we are not still loved by him nor are we ignored.  So we too must have the love in our hearts to help one another, with caution of course but not with judgement!


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