Secret to a Healthy Body
Have you ever imagined having a magic wand so you can make things appear? You keep wishing and wishing when one does not realize that the magic wand is actually yourself.
"The Law of Attraction" states "Like attracts Like", so if you feel it in your heart and think it things will come your way.
For those that saw the movie "Field of Dreams" when they kept telling the land owner "build it and they will come" so he had faith and what he thought was to come were the baseball players when actually it was the viewers who paid to watch the games and they were finically able to keep their home and land. There was his magic wand he had faith even though it sounded crazy and followed his heart and not logic there he got more then he received more gifts then he ever could of dreamed of.
So that is our magic wand build it and it will come. Think it, feel it in your heart and it will come. The length of time that has no merit for it will come when it will need to be. It may be within a week a month or a year. Don't give up on the faith and really believe it, things will happen. So build a better outlook in life and see the results even if its only inside yourself.
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