Depressed or Blue how can you tell the difference?
What is the difference between feeling blue or depressed?

When feeling depressed it feels more intensed, life is no longer want to continue how things are. It really affects you chemically at times (hormones are a great part of it) and feels like it plays with you mind. At times it feels like 2 voices in your head, one telling you all the great things in life (I call these my Angels) and the other voice telling me I am a loser, nothing I do is right, I deserve not to be here (I call these my demons mean mean demons). There is so much going on in life and it seems now a days we are being pulled in so many different directions. Life requires us to be super humans and no one seems to understand what the other is feeling. The elders seem to worry more about themselves and feel that their health situations are more important. Not realizing at times that their children's health at times are worse then theirs. It gets worse when they remarry and their spouse are younger then they are. I want to try to be there for everyone but it seems that when I cry for help there are few that will listen. I know I am not the only one feeling this way and it seems the more reliable you have always been the more you feel trapped. As you are the strong one then you should handle everything. If you are single and no kids then forget it everyone feels you have the time in the world. They keep forgetting that you are the only one that has to deal with all the problems and only you can lean on yourself. Being single doesnt mean that we have time to fulfill everyone elses needs, it just means we have no other person to share the situations with.
The one thing we all need to keep in mind that when feeling blue at all times it can lead to depression so if it lasts more then a day then speak to someone. Go where you know you will be uplifted, a church, friends house (positive one) or go to an event of your favorite things. Even if staying at home is your thing then read a good book, see a inspiring movie or what ever will lift your spirits.
God grants us each day for a new beginning....lets thank him for that and be grateful for all the wonderful things there are in life. Remember there are others who have it just as difficult or worse then you may have it. Giving to those in need also fills the heart so give in God's name and the blessings are that you can still be in the position to do that.
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