My Poem: Within My Sins
Within My Sins
Looking up to the sky my heart bleeds with pain and disappointments
The blue of the sky fills my eyes with joy yet still is my journey clouded
The bird's song brings joy to my ears yet still my path is silent
The clouds design pictures in the sky yet my creations have no directions
The flowers fills my nose with beautiful designed scentsations yet my body feels the anger of disappointments
What is this sin I have within me that only feels the darkness….
What is the place that I need to be to release the sins within me….
The sunrise appears letting me know of a new beginning yet yesterday still haunts me
The rain comes washing away the debris while nourishing the Earth yet still I feel thirsty
The sun appears to bring the heat to rid of the dampness and brighten the day yet still I feel the cold and darkness
The air is scented with dew and the freshness of renewal appears yet only do the scent of betrayal of broken promises surround me
Within my sins only do I see and believe there is no glory so cries I give of why has this tragedy been casted upon me…..
Within my heart I believe to be of little sin so why am I trapped in this inner tornado that only brings confusion and emotions of not belonging……
High in the heavens my eyes turn to you with my arms stretched out to you my God with words of frustration; “What have I done to receive this Life” ?
Oh Lord my cries continue that I do have faith in you and believe your words, why does this darkness keep following me?
Answers I seek and lost I continue to be for yet there are whispers I receive…but my ears seems not to be as open to believe
The signs appear before me that do seem to be coincidences….but my eyes are shut so blind to them they appear to be
The messages have come to me yet I have not followed, so this keeps being repeated;
The journey is to those who have the desire to be aware of them
The path will be clear once you listen to the Truth of who you are
The vision will be known once you open your heart to really receive the true answers
By: Maria Elena Padron
Note: This message has been brought to me and the understanding is becoming clearer. The strongest saying is “Let Go and Let God” even though it’s simple it really is difficult for we want to be in control and/or we feel it’s the lazy way out. The meaning is for all of us is to accept our faults and know that God loves us and only wants the best for us but God’s vision of what is best for you may not be our personal goal. This is in the New Testament and with the show “The Chosen” you will see the followers of Jesus journey and their personal struggles as well as beliefs. Jesus let God direct his paths and he followed with never questioning it which he even experienced his doubts but immediately came back to his faith.
This is what Jesus meant by following his path you will find Heaven……to me he meant the peace here within Earth hint the saying in his prayer of the Our Father…….. Thy Kingdom come thy will be done “on Earth as it is in Heaven”
***Really pay attention to the words in the “Our Father” prayer that Jesus gave to his apostles, it is giving us the true guidelines on how we must live our lives or at least try to do so!
This is really beautiful! It makes my heart feel whole!