The meaning of “Sin” what is it Really ……
Meaning of “Sin”
Part 1
What comes to your mind when you think of or consider what an actual sin is???
For myself it is following the 10 Commandments, so as I did not commit against those I felt that there was no reason to feel like a sinner. Then the wonderment came when the journey to enlightenment started for me. Here is when the realization came to me that we are all “sinners” in the eyes of God when we are in human form. This clarity or enlightenment showed me that my understanding of that knowing of what actual sins were was not as clear to me. Is this the devil’s work to make sure that there is a foggy view of “sin”? To my belief yes it is for we can not fix what we don’t acknowledge and the devil knows this so here is when confusion and misunderstandings come into play.
The majority of Cubans are raised Catholic some very devout and some not as much, my parents not at all but they followed the faith and had all three of us to receive our First Communion in which we all did. The process was wonderful and knowing that we were to receive the “body and blood” of our Lord Jesus Christ actually was the best part for it gives the feeling that you are accepted by Christ. The difficult and annoying part was the confessions to the priest, this part was confusing for my feelings were as they still are, that God is the only one that can forgive sins and through Jesus words here is were I will learn to improve and sin no more. When I was a kid the only “sin” that was occurring was the “Honor your father and mother” which I did but how it was explained to me that one must obey their parents if you didn’t this is a “sin” so that was always the one in my confession. As a stubborn and debating child (some call arguing lol) there was disobeying happening all the time….but always honored my parents for they honestly were very patient, loving, and punished us the proper way especially for our era. We were normal well behaved kids, of course no one is perfect but overall honest and well-behaved even into adulthood.
The word sin means in the dictionary via Google is:
Noun: An immortal act considered to be a transgression against divine law
Verb: commit a sin
In the Bible from Britannica is: Mortal evil as considered from a religious standpoint. In Judaism and Christianity as the deliberate and purposeful violation of the will of God.
As the teachings in our family growing up was to follow the 10 commandments as mentioned previously so as a refresher here they are.
1st You shall have no other God’s before me
2nd Thou shalt not make unto thee any given images
3rd Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
4th Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy
5th Honor your Father and Mother
6th Thou shalt not Kill
7th Thou shalt not commit Adultery
8th Thou shalt not steal
9th Thou shalt not bear false witness
10th You shall not covet
Covet meaning: to want something (or someone) that belongs to someone else. A person who covets may be led to break almost all the other commandments.
The scriptures were not always easy for me to understand and as there were only books to view but the Bible was not in our home so this was not a common practice for us. The statement my father always made was that God is in our hearts so he lives in our home, live the way Jesus did (the knowledge was what was taught in our faith) and follow his words and you will always be in the glory of God. This was our basic understanding and yet there is so much more then that, for in God’s Eyes we are all sinners. As God is aware of that the asking for forgiveness and stating our “gratitude and “gratefulness” to God this is the most important realization to be present in our lives as well. This is where my understanding came to play when Bible stories and Jesus life and teachings were clearer with these types of movies came out going over the journey each prophet and our Lord Savior made to give us God’s words as we are to honor and pray to our Father in Heaven. The messages that the religions, spiritual speakers, and yogis/gurus explain is to have gratitude for all that you have and know that abundance will come with the faith of knowing that it will be given if it is for you. The main message is to follow your heart when you have allowed God and his divine beings to speak to you in whatever method you believe in but whatever you do and whatever falls you may have taken, DO NOT ever loose your Faith!
What then is an actual “sin”? The commandments as well as the 7 Deadly Sin (which is taught in the Catholic Religion- FYI in history was the first Christian religion) are the guidelines that God himself provided to Moses. They seem simple and clear yet it is not as Black and White for there is always different things that apply, for example “thou shalt not Kill” but in self-defense or if being attacked in war then you do the action of “killing”. It is even in the Bible when God had instructed his followers/prophets to attack other cities or group of people so this commandment will not be followed. This is confusing as a child to understand these commandments and for other children that are beaten by their parents abusively the ‘honor thy father and mother’ becomes a difficult task.
The first commandment is “You shall have no other God’s before me” and others add “or idolized anything before me” which this statement is important to remember for God is not only speaking of deities it means everything even your children and/or family.
This came clear to me when I read this on my flip calendar “Jesus Calling” that spoke of what “idolizing” really is; when someone or something is on your mind or in your life before and more then God is. This is when the praying for me really happened for this was my biggest one for my worries, guilt, desperations, finances and heartaches were the majority of my thoughts which actually was all of my days. The understanding perceived of praying was only when there was something to ask of God, never thought it was to admire, respect, honor and thank him everyday numerous times a day. This would have made my life a lot smoother and my path as well as journey would of been clearer if I would of just “Let Go and Let God” for every time that I did full heartily the situation would improve and the weight of the world was removed from my shoulders for God took action(s). The stubborn side of me apparently needs too much confirmations and the guidance given to me are not always well received so the faith in myself as well as God (complete faith) that he/she has this even if it does not make sense to me it will later, is still in progress mode. This is my lesson and journey but Thank God for my work it is actually so much easier to trust the messages received but of course they are not for me to follow it is for someone else LOL!!
The question for you is; How well do you understand what God considers a “sin” and do you believe that they are forgiven? If you are having trouble leaving comments, feel free to contact me at this email:
For next week will go over some other commandments and the 7 Deadly Sins and my views as well as my guides messages. Just always remember that God has granted all of us “Free Will” for we decide the journey we want to go on or what to even believe in for some their beliefs are that there is no God or higher intelligence that when we die that’s it. My reply is that even though you may not believe in God he/she believes in You!! Those that do then remember that “sin” for God is the Human’s Guidelines so he knows it is not just Black or White there is a lot of grey areas so don’t give up and continue doing more sinful acts for if you follow the scriptures or spiritual speakers that also gives clarity on how to improve your ways and the benefits of doing so. The closer the understanding becomes of trusting your gut feelings the easier your path will be, this has been my journey to improve in, yet I have realized that my poor choices and/or decisions have come with consequences yet blessings were also obtained. This is the greatness of faith in God that no matter that my path had a lot of hills and bumps in the road there has always been a beautiful scenery that followed.
Many blessings and love
Maria Elena Padron
Ordained Minister, LMT/Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach, Psychic Reader, and Energy Bodywork Therapist
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