The Blame Game……victims or thieves

The Blame Game…..victims or thieves

This post will go with my personal experiences and the message part of it will be guidance driven for the reader as well as myself.  If anything mentioned offends you, then do keep in mind this may be your resistance to the acceptance and/or change that is required.  I also have done this many many times trying to justify the messages given as well as rebelling to the lessons that was suppose to be understood, but when I did not understand these lessons they returned more intense then before.  We can not improve ourselves when there continues to be a resistance wether it is due to denial or refusing to seek the answers on why these lessons happened to appear in our lives. This post will be a continuation to my previous post on “The Chain that keeps us in a “Self-Sabotaging” Prison.  If you are called to share this post with someone or on your social media this will be allowed so it can be given to someone that needs to start their journey and their path in life.  The longer you live in the “blame game” mode the longer your journey will take to get the complete answers as well as full awareness.  Everyone heals differently which also will include the person one chooses to work with, the pace it takes to start their healing journey, the methods used and if they can do this process in a group and/or by courses or books they obtain to guide them in this journey.  The processing period on the average releases a lot of toxins that these traumatic memories will be stuck in the body within the living cells which has been scientifically proven when organ donors started having a difference and personality as well as cravings for certain types of food that they never ate previously.  Individuals will vary with any type of therapy that deals with the emotional, mental and physical occurrences that does need to be handled according to the individual.  This also applies to any type of body work especially the therapeutic type including but not limited to; Myofascial release, Trigger Point/Neuromuscular therapy, Acupressure/Acupuncture, and any type of Somatic Emotional Release as well as different types of Energy BodyWork.  Each step are important and there is no right or wrong timeframe for healing, the important factor is not to stop the process before complete awareness has been achieved for that traumatic occurrence[s].  
     As I have mentioned in previous posts, our body is a well designed organism actually every living thing on this planet is designed for survival.  The pets that we own also absorb our emotions as well as their own.  When animals get cancer and people state that why do they have it if they don’t experience the world the same as we do, there are studies showing the ties of stress and cancer, it is because they are picking it up from the owner(s) of their home.  This is not for us to take blame for none of us really want to feel these negative emotions or bursts of anger, the point is that if you keep putting the awareness process on hold the possibilities of your pets picking up the overload, for they will for it’s how they can protect YOU, possible health issues will occur!!  This information I learned about with a Pet Psychic on the Oprah Show, I was amazed as well as feeling guilty for my pets did suffer some situations which one ended up with Diabetes and the other one escaped and got hit by a moving vehicle.  It may be coincidence or it may be a fact but either way it’s best to align ourselves MIND-BODY-SOUL to avoid this from occurring.  Now the “blame game” means that someone’s life is going in the inappropriate route pushing them in that direction due to finical disturbance, status, gender, ethnicity …etc., but instead of finding the loop where they can move forward and grow they start putting blame on their situations and/or others involved directly or indirectly.  The problem is that even though there is merit for this thought process it does not solve anything if one does not take the positive actions.  There are those that demand justice in a peaceful manner even though those that caused it will not own it, but remember we can only “change” ourselves not others.  One has to be prepared for that difficult journey and know that it may not even get corrected in their lifetime but accept the turn of events and have faith that history will change.  There is a saying which I heard from one of Joel Osteen’s sermons on YouTube, stating that “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”, when I heard that I knew that this is a true fact, for there are success stories that they share their own hardships in their life and with faith in themselves they overcame obstacles.  There are our own stories that we have buried so deep within ourselves that we keep hidden from others, sometimes the brain on very traumatic events will actually bury it for us for survival purposes.  What is interesting is that at times our memories may also be distorted without our knowledge due to one’s emotional/mental state at that timeframe.  This is why at times it may feel like a dream (nightmare) instead of reality for those involved do not share the same occurrences and their recall is actually very different.  This does not mean that your or their story is incorrect it only means that those involved remember it differently so this may be the reason why you never received the apologies from the one who caused the trauma or pain.  The amazing thing is that even if we do not remember all the details or none of it, the body does and when this occurs this is when the “intense” therapy work begins.  
     The memories that each of us have experienced belong to oneself and only are we able to work on them to receive the awareness to prepare ourselves for better options as well as learn the lessons that we need to learn to move forward on this journey of “life”.  All of us have the right to express our emotions in reaction to any form of abuse wether it will be the hate, anger, frustration and/or pain (emotional/physical) let yourself feel it but release it and don't let it return. The past is the past we are only to experience it, live it, learn from it and then move on, for we will handle it better and recognize it better if we do learn from them before it can take one on another whirlwind destruction.  If you only concentrate on blaming others or your life situations then you will continue to stay stuck and attract more situations that are similar to the one you learned nothing from this is how the divine being (God or Universe) will help and guide us to our soul’s path in life.  This is where your life can change for we are actually the master of our own inner universe, with faith of course it will make this journey easier and less bumpy but one can only make that change for our own circumstances.  One can receive the gift of money to help them finically, get offered a job to help us better our situations, receive help with food/shelter….but if we do not put in our part to make sure we do not fall again in despair, it will be a continuous loop.  This will not change the fact that lessons will continue to be given to us in life but we will have more tools to handle them and get ourselves out of them easier and faster.  If you watch the show “The Chosen” there is an episode when Jesus visited Samaria (the one that shows the woman at the well) which is a parable story that does not appear in scripture but it gives really important information.  The family that Jesus prepared a feast for when they were all sitting around the campfire the crippled man’s wife asked Jesus that if he’s the Messiah then why is there still suffering and hunger with God’s people?  He explained (this is not word for word so watch the episode) that this world will always have sin, destruction, greed, pain and suffering that can not be changed, but the promise of God’s Kingdom is where the Freedom from this awaits those who believe.  
     Love needs balance so that means that good and evil will always exist there is no changing that not, in this world, for they are even present simultaneously.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is the symbol of Yin & Yang which is a circle which half of it is Yin - which is black with a small white circle inside of it and the Yang - which is white with a small black circle inside of it.  This shows that within each one there is still the opposite inside of it as well it is just shown in a smaller scale.  The Earth is this way as well we have the Negative Polarity and the Positive Polarity creating the magnetic field which helps keep the Earth in rotation.  Therefore everything in and from this world needs balance, too much darkness it will create a decline and too much brightness it creates an incline, even with diet and exercise there has to be a good balance.  The main solution is that we need to always remember that we can only have control of ourselves not others or life itself.  This is my recent story; I was laid off from my position as a Massage Instructor in February this year in which I worked for this company for over 4 years and worked hard to receive the full-time Senior Instructor position.  Wonderful co-workers and our program was growing like wildflowers in the “spring”, and all of a sudden everyone in the Educational Department of all the campus located in three different states were informed that the company will be closing within a year but others will be leaving as soon as the “teach out” was completed for their program that they covered.  There was no hint of this even occurring there were plans given to us by corporate of expansion with each department, so talk about the brick hitting you on the head, we all were in shock and in a daze.  This did give us a difficult lesson that there is no control over situations or others, for there was nothing that we can prove or show corporate (main company the campus were sister companies) to change their minds, this was their decision and there was nothing any of us could do.  The plans that each of us had were dissolved in an hour Zoom meeting and our poor leaders had no answers on why this decision was made.  This is not a rare situation for I know others who has dealt with the entire company closing more then once, so I was grateful that this only happened to me with this company and we were offered severance and bonus.  This does not always happen for many have lost their jobs with no warning and no extra income to help them get by.  This shows that we need to be only in control of ourselves not of the situations, animals, weather and especially of other humans.  When one forces the control there will be chaos occurring for the balance will start to shift and the outcome can be positive or negative so this is when us humans, just like animals do, find ways to bring back the balance into our world.  
   If the human brain has been gifted with so much capabilities that has created a world that through technology we can stay connected no matter the distance even across the world, then think about all that you can create for yourself by just simply believing it to be!  There is a lot of information out there at the touch of our SmartPhone to gather whatever information we need to help us with our Body-Mind-Spirit to help us achieve a better way of life.  The universe that belongs to you can change with just one step taken to improvement whatever it is that you require to fulfill your soul’s journey and the path that you need to take.  If you have a lot of layers to work on, don’t be dismayed the lessons that were repeated one can still arrange it and overcome them.  It will be just easier on your life journey if you catch them as soon as you can and also avoid them once you listen to that message (gut feeling) that you are given that this is not for you so walk away without any questions asked, this is complete faith not the temporary faith that we receive with a motivational PodCast, YouTube video or Blogs.  With everyday life we will have moments that we will blame someone for leaving their shoe in the middle of the living room when we trip on them instead of realizing the reason why we tripped over them in the first place.  Think about it will you walk on a land mind not giving your complete focus to it because you are scrolling on your phone?? Well hope that you answered “of course I will have a complete focus on my next step” then why are you not applying that same objective in your life when walking across the parking lot, jogging and running even if it’s listening to music you should never cover both your ears for you can’t trust others to pay full attention to you.  It’s your body it will get more damaged then any moving vehicle would, so is it not important that you have full focus on where your next step falls!?  
    The steps you will need to take to improve your outlook in life is for you to own your own story, if you feel that yours is not as difficult as someone else’s due that they had a tougher more difficult life then you have to remember that their journey belongs to them for whatever reason it occurred.  Your pain, your memories, your emotions, your celebrations, your victories….etc… belong to you and you have every right to attend to your wounds as well.  The truth is that we all have our struggles and none are greater then the other or more important, you can guide another and even offer them assistance but you can never change their outlook or their path unless they desire it for themselves.  As a caregiver as well as an Empath this was my lesson to learn and it taught me to inform, guide, assist another but then let go and the rest they have to conquer on their own for it’s their journey and path.  The methods that is used when it is the positive format not those that can cause damage in any way wether finically, with one’s health or not destroying another (vengeance) person’s life in any way, will be your choice.  Search for the method of therapy that works with you as well as the person that is providing the service for you, this can also apply to a trusted friend but they do not have to adhere to ethics on client/patient disclosure so do keep that in mind.  Do listen to the whispers that is provided for you especially in meditation/prayers or healing therapies for this will guide you in the right direction.  If you happen to go backwards again, don’t worry just get yourself up and dust yourself off and just listen closer to the messages next time!
 Love and Peace with your journey to wellness and be patient for we all work within our own inner clock and pace. I relate to the turtle I go slow but I will reach my destination eventually and not depleting myself.

Maria E. Padron
Ordained Minister, LMT/Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach, Energy Bodywork Therapist

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