Parallel Worlds: Have You met You or the Other You???

If there is a universe with “another you” but living another life due to different choices that were made from either your parents or yourself or even from both, would you want to know?  

In life there are “choices” we make in every second of everyday for the rest of our lives due that it will alter the outcome of your current and distant future.  As we take a deep breath when we wake and our mind is returning to a more conscious state of being, we make our first choice for the rest of that day!  The thing is that “we have a choice” and that’s the gift that God gave us.  We are not machines that await for that “start” button to be pressed then instructed of what we should do, so for the majority of us that are blessed in a country that abides by God’s rules even though at times it feels as not, we are humans and not perfect, we have the opportunity to be who we desire to be.  Of course some of us feel that we were not given a great head start in life, so there maybe reasons for that occurrence but if you don’t believe in past lives or soul contracts then this might be a bit out of reach for you.  You can read my article about reincarnation ( and it will go over it a bit more.  Main thing will be is that you believe you are a soul that is created by God or who you name the divine creator, then you realize that all of us have an “eternal soul/spirit”.  We are all individuals doing our best to live in our world, striving to make the best choices every day from what we are dealt with, yet the most important action we take in the start of our day will set forth “our scene” in our life.  Think about it, you wake up and the first thought in your mind is your past history of your “ex” scrolling in your mind some good but then the bad ones come and they get stuck in there and your mind “targets” that past memory of that person hurting you and/or disrespecting you causing you pain, then anger, then frustration, then disappointment of your choices, and then comes the dangerous thought of the “what ifs”!! Now take a deep breath in through the nose collecting that divine positive energy and slowly exhale through the mouth releasing all those negative thoughts that haunt you, so just “release and set it free”.  If you continue that thought and create scenarios in your mind about the answer you could of given, the questions you should of asked, if you figured out the negative situations sooner….etc. etc… you start a war in your mind, which for your mind it starts perceiving it as another memory that is surrounded with hatred and all those other feelings that will go into the cellular level in your body.  Think about how your body is feeling, how’s your focus doing, and how’s the ones surrounding you (even our pets they are highly sensitive) are feeling due to your lack of focus. The mind can not determine what is a reality to what is a thought, so the body will automatically respond to all your thoughts wether being it negative and/or positive.  This is why so many Spiritual Speakers, Healers and Teachers/Preachers will speak of this (it’s also in the Bible) to start your day with “gratitude” which it’s done with prayer of gratitude and/or meditation.  The problem is for the entire cellular body (animals have the dis-ease for they are a reflection of “their masters”) our perceptions in life is what weaves our “fabric” in our world so not until one’s own self changes then nothing changes for we have no right to control or change others!! 
Is it easy well it sounds easy but it is not that’s why it is something to be done every day first thing in the day to set your body off.  This is also why physical trainers suggest morning workouts even if it’s only for 15 minutes it helps start the day in your “mind” to make better choices with your food.  This is where the theory of the “parallel worlds” come to play, for it’s another version of you that did make a different choice.  
The movie with Gwyneth Paltrow Sliding Doors (1998) is a great movie explaining the outcomes if different circumstances and choices were made, it can get you thinking but don’t overthink it the reason for it is for you not to go backwards but forward to see the reasons why you missed it so it is a lesson for this is how we learn in this soul’s human life.  

There has been many SciFi series and movies giving a taste of the “parallel worlds or multi-verse”, which for me our my favorites, touch bases on this which some to give explanations on it but the truth is this is not a Fictional writer’s theory it actually is a scientific theory mainly of “cosmology” study of the universe.  If you want more information about this here are some links I have found;,and%20time%20as%20our%20own

This topic is intriguing in these shows, that you see that they look exactly the same in appearance, voice, body structure, but their lives are very different.  For to think that there can be another person in another “dimension” that is very similar to me an actual mirror image of me in more ways then one, to me it’s fascinating.  Which a thought or insight had come to me of that feeling I have felt in the past numerous times of “Deja-vu”, so what is that about?? The feeling that you have been there doing the same thing or saying the same thing but you know 100% that you never been there before or the situation has never occurred to be a past memory, but you have that sense of a replay! So I had an ‘a-hah’ moment, what if through the thin fabric of space and time that “deja-vu” moment is a small particle of the other me in that other world that they already have gone through for it might have happened to them yesterday and in my world I was experiencing it “now” and this is why it feels like a replay.  Well when I searched for this information especially when watched the 2 first seasons of one of the shows in the early 2000s called “Fringe” (2008-2013) there is scientific theory on the concept of a Parallel Universe but they say it’s only a theory, well for what we are told of course, so let that simmer for a bit…..   
When you watch these types of shows or movies that really have people cross over the different worlds there can be amount of chaos that may occur especially in the wrong hands that think of only greed and power.  The worlds are not to be intertwine for we are not to replace one person from one world for any reasons, visiting am not sure but there is always a chance that darkness will enter and leave a path of disaster that may not be able to ever be recovered  from or repair.  The funny thing is that I have people say to me that they have met me briefly before but they can’t place where they met me, but I can’t recall them or ever seeing them and with some of them I later saw them in a different time in a event.   So is this a pass soul or the other me from the other world just visiting….who knows just thought that it’s funny how many times this has occurred to me.  So how about you, has this ever occurred to you and you keep wondering if you just have that familiar face or is there another “YOU”.?  It would be interesting to take a peek for a moment to see what choices that other me made but I don’t want any cross over situations to happen.  This is my life and my choices no matter if they were the correct or wrong ones. My awareness came to be a few years ago, that there were blessings in them no matter the choices I made.  Some very painful results but realized later they were blessings in disguise for they made me stronger and more confident in myself.  The main realizations that these people in my life especially those that gave me a terrible experience, those were the ones that  made me more understandable and sympathetic to others.  I became closer to my beliefs in spirituality and learning what that really means as well as keeping my mind open to the possibilities of what God has created.  

Within the frame of my beliefs the I did ask the question about the concept of the Multi-universes and this is the message received:
    Yes, there is and we are not to search further but they will tell me how many I have and the total that it will be created for any human is a maximum of 9 which each person will have a different amount of multiUniverse as well as different timeframe and it’s like the different souls go to different universes with very similar lives (mainly physical appearance so normally same parents) due that they are a division of the soul that are connected by the same light.  So depending on the contract they made with each other and how many scenarios is to be created will be how many universes will be for them.  So each person will have different universes depending on the main path/goal they need to achieve.  “So One Soul divided into many to achieve a main goal”   This is also one of the choices our soul makes as well for our journey away from our home which in my belief is Heaven, to learn all that it is assigned to learn (our heavenly mission).  

How you wish to take this message well that’s “your choice” isn’t, so if it helps you open your mind to the possibilities that’s great if not well thanks for reading it anyways!!  Just do remember the main thing, your life is your choice, no-one should control your life find the way out if you feel trapped in any way.  Do what you can to find the loop hole for it is there, what I have learned as well as experienced is that when I feel that trap I pray and faithfully really “Let Go and Let God” it really is that simple.  The answers just flow but you have to except whatever outcome is God’s Will, this is what makes it difficult for us humans in all worlds, for we always want to know the “whys” and the outcome before we jump in the water.  Jesus told his apostles to leave everything behind and “Follow Me”. They never knew what tomorrow will bring and that is the main “message”, trust him (God) with all your heart and he will not abandon you, even when it feels he has, this is the True Faith that God is looking for but everyday not just when we hit that wall and have no other solution.  Trust me am very stubborn so I hit a lot of walls, amazing that I don’t have a large bump on my head by now, but when I gave my 100% faith in him, within his will and his timeframe, it worked so smoothly that I just was amazed on his greatness!! Learn this lesson early in your life and even with the downfalls trust me it will go soooooooo much smoother for you.  Evil will always exist it’s part of the world and of all the multi-universes for this is the only way that we can prove our “faith” in him.  The more you trust the more you show him your Love for him (God) these messages are in every religion and the true beliefs of many cultures.  We all make the choices wether to think and act in a positive loving (full-heart) manner or to think and act in a negative judgement manner.  You are one person in this world but like that one string in a piece of fabric once it starts separating it will cause another, then another to loosen ruining that piece of fabric if not caught on time!!!!

**Sending you blessings and a reminder to listen to your inner wisdom and when you pray remember you are to ask with an open heart and by quieting the mind, for you are Listening ….
Pay attention to the subtle signs and messages for God might just give you”one word” like
Wait!  Or “Soon”! , the rest is to just trust and have faith when you “Follow Him” for that was what Jesus did with his entire ministry!  He prayed everyday thanking his Father in the morning during the day and the evening.  He waited patiently for the messages to arrive to him for he did not make a future plan he let himself be guided, just like the birds and the wild animals do, so as he said if he provides for them then how will he not provide for us.  The animals that get eaten are due to being hesitant and they loose track of instincts or they are old and can’t run as fast but mainly they hesitate.  When I go back and remember that show “Father knows Best” and I think of God being my “father creator” that I remember it this way;

     “Let Go Let God for Heavenly Father Knows Best”

Maria E. Padron - Ordained Minister, LMT, Reiki/Energy Healer, Life Coach

Can reach me at (813)331-5508 (text messages are best)


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