Have I been here before? - Reincarnation
I prayed to the Holy Spirit to give me clarity about Reincarnation and this is the message I received:
"As we live so we must be perceived and our legacy will be written." Was not completely clear about this message so I went to my source who is awesome at interpreting messages as well as dreams, my other half, my niece. She told me that it matters not what we believe if we are reincarnated or not the main importance is to focus on this life for this one is the one that matters and you will be remembered for. Well she went into more detail but honestly I don't remember all of it so this was the main fact that the message was trying to relay. I have always believed we are reincarnated some for many times and others for just a few. The question is are we really or is this just a fantasy that we want to believe? The reason I did ask the Holy Spirit for guidance (which am starting that practice to better my relationship with the entire trinity) was that according to the Bible it does not really discuss in detail but it does state that the body ends and then resurrected to the Heavens for judgment in the book of Life. So part of me wants to follow what is written in the Bible and the other part of me still believes we do return if our soul desires so that it may have further learning in human form. So my quest will continue to seek the true answers for there is so much that am not certain we really know. The scriptures have been questioned in so many different ways that I know this is also one question that many including myself do have. My philosophy has always been to do good and help others as best as I can. There are others gifted in doing work that is looked upon as evil by Christian Churches quoting scriptures, here lies my confusion. I am interested in studying the bible and this is my personal path that I am dedicated to starting this year and want to make it a continued journey. One person that I am following is Doreen Virtue who has been known for years as "New Age" intuitive healer and Spiritual reader/consultant, who always believed in God, Heavenly Angels and Jesus (but did see him differently) and now she is "Born Again" and has found a new path. As she goes on this journey I commend her for it is not easy to walk away from something that she has build for over 20 years and then have a complete new outlook in her life. She walked away from the "New Age" belief system even turning back on her readings, medium work, and a lot of her card decks that she herself created. She has received very hateful remarks and judgments that I find so uncalled for, everyone has their journey and it is her right to change the path she feels she was asked by Jesus to do. She is not trying to convert people she just wants to be a support system for those who have been directed in this same path. As for me I will make my own decision on how I wish to take my journey but I am grateful to learn more insights on the bible through her and others so I will receive the clarity that I have been wanting and praying for.
I have seen how comforting it is to pass on a message from a deceased love one, with myself, family and shows I have watched. For me the meaning of evil will not bring that type of comfort and peace, yet according to the bible these things like reincarnation, speaking with the dead or seeking guidance through oracles, tarot cards, etc. or those who can see the future are considered demonic work. This as you may also feel is where the confusion lies, so I have prayed to God for guidance and the messages are not as clear to me as I would prefer. Honestly what I have experienced is that I have been shown different views that they are gifts and it is humans who turn them into an evil act. Some want to put fear of God into us making us believe if we are not perfect he will not love us. Some believe if we follow a different faith that does not include Christ as our "Savior" but yet we are good at heart and follow God's expectations of us there still is no place in Heaven for us. Then there is the fact that if we do not follow a straight road or if we have an alternative lifestyle we are permanently creating a sin so if there is no change in our behavior then no matter how good we are the road will still go to Hell. So where does it all make sense and how can we ever be the perfect beings to become righteous with God? Do all good, honorable, wonderful people fall into damnation because their born desires are different or they grew up with a different belief? Now some will argue that fact that this is why we are reincarnated to correct our past wrongs giving us a second or more if need be to get there. That does sound more comforting to me (even though I wondered about how we can correct what we don't acknowledge but my wise niece stated that our soul does remember) but I also believe that we choose to return to learn more from different persona's and lifetime as the world also changes that we may have not experienced in prior lives or to further help mankind.
When I see how advance some people are at such a young age that we have proof there is no way they can have this knowledge or even have been able to study this information to give advance insights in a conversation, there has to be more to this then what we acknowledge to be factual. For it gives you the feeling that their soul is the one speaking from it's past lives that this is the only understandable notion. I have been shown this many times in my life and mainly with family members, so I do know their length of study and experiences so what they spoke did not match up with the credentials. For even genius only speak of what they have studied not randomly speak of life experiences so that is out of the question. It is acceptable when someone who has studied philosophy for years or has extensive life experience to make profound statements but when a 6 year old child does it then you take a step backwards and wonder where does this come from especially when it happens more then once. Then when this same child is in her 20's who you know does not have these life experiences and gives you life insights that comes from someone beyond her years that has struggled with hardship and heartaches, that just makes it harder to believe that "reincarnation" does not exist as well as catching yourself saying they are an "old soul". These are facts for me that have been so difficult to ignore, the one with me is that even through my years in this Earth and all that I have dealt with in regards to deception, that I still have a child like view of this world. Especially believing that there is truly good with people it's just that they are dealt with some form of hardship. I have been told that I have an innocent soul (which I really don't consider myself that way) I have a pure heart (would like that to be 100% true), same say am like "an Angel" and some go as far as to say "am not from this World" but in a good way not so much like loony tunes, LOL, even though some do joke about that one. I have been told that there are not many people like me from actually a lot of people and my niece tells me that her husband she swears is my secret child for he is so similar to me it makes her crazy at times for she feels she has to shield us from the world. I laughed and have told her that maybe we both are "reincarnated Angels", funny thing is she actually agrees to that fact and honestly I do think we both are and we were as heavenly angels protectors and guides for mankind. I do feel there is so much that we are not sure of and we have to follow the path we are geared to follow. When our journey here on Earth ends I guess then we will know the truth but if we do return then we will be at lost once again in human form.
One thing I do know for sure is that God is my answer, Jesus is who I believe and ask to give me strength and the Holy Spirit is for my guidance and knowledge, the rest I see as extras that God has given to me to help me stay on my path of Healing. I am not a teacher, a preacher or a scholar, am a "healer" in many forms, so on I will believe there is more to this world and eternity then we know. "What is shared with some is not always shared with all" this is the message I receive, it keeps the mystery and our faith in tacked. So follow what is deep in your heart and what it tells you, as long as it is done in purity, honesty and goodness. Speak your truth as you are guided to do so but remember, evil is who judges and tries to remove one's "free will"! No one is greater then "God" so if he gives us "free will" then there is no one that can take that away from you! Whatever you believe in that should always be your main rule, even if you do not believe in God, he stills believes in you. He will try his best to steer you in the path of learning about him and knowing him as will as loving him. Whatever path you choose to take that is between you and him for those of us who are sent to guide someone (guide not push) then know you have done what has been asked of you, then leave it to God. He is love and all he has given us is his love, doesn't mean that he may not be disappointed or hurt but he still loves us! If you have a good true heart then do the same, we are all beings no matter our differences in all forms and paths that we are taking.
Sending love and blessings through our Lord Jesus Christ!! May you always find peace with others and yourself. Find your own journey to the path you wish to take or are guided to take.
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