Coincidence; is it a real “Divine Intervention” or just plain chance occurrences?
(This is a google search under dictionary)
The reasoning of these unusual timing events that seem to fall in place on their own, there are different views of this occurrence but there seems not to be any real facts on either thoughts of this situation. There are those, as myself, that like to study spiritualism with some of us viewing coincidences as “divine” interventions, while others just believe they are mere chances that occur for no apparent reason. The information or thoughts of others, that have presented themselves in my life, just feel that the person was “lucky” or they were in the right time and right place or wrong time and the wrong place depending on the outcome. So who’s views or right and who’s views are wrong, as well as does it really matter which way one believes in this so call “coincidence”? The pure fact is that what feels right to oneself is what matters for why should we follow other people’s beliefs instead of our own gut feelings or our truth as well as respect someone else’s thoughts and beliefs. As a child my strong feelings of my individual thought process and beliefs were always apparent and debating what was taught to me even with my elders, I follow my own opinions but even then respected others with theirs. The feeling that situations that were odd and a coincidence, there was this feeling inside of me that it was really suppose to happen for a reason in my life as well as for others. That chance meeting at a store that you always visited and meet with someone you haven’t seen in years, or meet someone very interesting that helps you with the answer you have been searching for. This I felt was not a mere chance of events there was more to this circumstantial event or meeting, that divine guidance was at play.
For my six decades of being on this earth the realization that even as a child I was considered a bit different, for there was never a certain “mold” that was fit for myself so the path was open for me to follow what my true mission on this earth was. Born under “pieces” astrological sign but near the cusp of Aries my nature was a bit different and even as an adult there were humorous comments of my nature noted as “strange or unique” not from this earthly realm (still confused on that one not sure it’s another universe or another realm) or even very angelic like nature. When I was a massage therapy instructor one of the other instructor’s students was into ‘palm reading’ and she was confused that my hands were opposite elements, the left was ‘fire’ and the right hand was ‘water’ (am right handed) she has never seen that or heard of that before. The information that later I explained to her for she mentioned that it was showing that my element changed during gestation which seem to happen close to the last term, my astrological and elemental sign seem to change. As I was always informed with both my parents is that with both my mom’s and her OB had given a date of my birth in early April and I was born on the 19th of March. So even in my beginning of life with the results of my birth and with that student’s palm reading it posed that question for me of this situation, “was that a coincidence or was that planned”…..?! That was in my 40s for that occurrence never crossed my mind and when I mentioned this with those that are in astrology as well as very intuitive individuals, they were not surprised of my astrological sign and then fully understand (as a light bulb brighten in their head) my nature as well as purpose. This is when my thoughts about coincidences occurring came to light that this was a form of derailing us a bit so we can continue our soul’s purpose or true path. If I followed more my ‘inner wisdom’ instead of my ‘ego’ maybe the trying to fit in the “box” attitude would of not been so important for me and my revelations in my own self and history, would of been sooner.
What comes to my mind with my “Christian faith” as well as metaphysical beliefs, that when Jesus (God Son) walked on earth as a human he did not fit the ‘box’ within the community that he grew up and was raised in. The teachings he gave and his speeches were very different from their scriptures which he did memorized all of them (of course as he was connected to God made it easier) and my understanding of the Jewish laws was clearer when I watched the YouTube videos on understanding scriptures and the faith at that time. This information had made me come to the realization on why his messages were not understood and/or seen as blasphemy due that in this time period Jesus teachings was the opposite of what was the Jewish people were following at that time. Would things be different now if Jesus would have walked on Earth in our time, how would we have viewed him and his teachings if it was very different from what we have been taught for hundreds of years? There was a series on Netflix called “Messiah” which was about that ‘the 2nd coming of the Messiah’ and the reactions of people especially with social media spreading the news with videos of those who witness his messages. This series unfortunately it was cancelled after the first season, still praying that they will bring it back some how for it would of given people more hope and faith!! This was exactly written as I would of thought that the world would be with these types of reactions as well as technological investigations. If you our a curious open minded person, as I strive to always be, then this show will be a great opportunity for you to see how people’s reactions could possibly be.
There are great events in our lives that if we look back in our own history there were those unexplained situations that occurred which you “happened” to connect with someone either you knew previously or just met and the situation led you to a thoughtful moment of “wow what a coincidence that’s exactly who and/or what I needed to see or hear”. The situation that you came across this person to catch up on your pass or some one that you both started a conversation that could have led for you to meet your soul-mate, your dream job, or an answer to a troubling concern that you had. Think about this and travel back in time (your memories) to look at that outcome from that “coincidental meeting or event”, was it a “divine intervention” or just a chance meeting/event???
There are spiritual speakers that state there are no “coincidences” for everything in life is meant to occur which this comment does make sense to me, yet we need not to put all our focus in that wondering why this occurrence is happening and miss the actual moment and/or event. Then for those that feel it is just life happening no reason for it, they may loose the opportunity to notice the “key” point(s) to their questions and/or concerns that divinity is trying to guide them in for an easier, joyous and more fulfilled life. It feels as though as humans we take situations or things in life to an extreme. Notice with blackouts, special sales, politics, religions, sexual orientations, beliefs..etc. etc., it feels that with social media it spreads like wild fire and there are those that just want to be right and others wrong. It’s sad that even among ‘Christians’ it also occurs when over and over and over again in the ‘New Testament” the preaching and teachings of Jesus was to not judge others and love even your enemies!! Where is that belief….why is it that even among the religious groups there is an importance of who’s faith is correct and which one is not. This to me seems to be that this situation is going against Jesus’ teachings then, for if we are hating each other and some even in war killing each other for “religious beliefs” it seems as we are not following the same ‘messiah’?! Unfortunately this has been going on before Jesus was born and now over 2,000 years later we are still in the mist of confusion. If we really follow he’s teachings and focus on the reasons behind his messages we would learn to honor, respect and LOVE one another for we come from the same creator!! There are other religions that call GOD differently but if you study their beliefs they are very similar, and even in the Old Testaments (some theology videos on YouTube) they show in scripture were there is the wording of “god” and “gods”, so if you really look at even Greek and Roman mythologies there is the main divinity “God” and the children of that God also know as divinities. In scripture from my understanding the “Arch Angels” are like the children of God for they are the divine creations and then under them are the divine angels then the humans that became angels. The main teachings and desires are the same, peace with others as well as yourself, love all creatures/beings of God’s creation, and respect for all of creation including ‘mother earth’. This is a topic for another day but going with the situations on the ‘coincidental moments’ it would matter how much you do believe in the divine plan as well as your faith. There really is no permanent “future” for as a blanket is knitted or weaved it all depends on the one making it, what mistakes did they make or did they really follow their artistic flow and not see it as mistakes, just a unique design. Even inventions some of it was created by a “mistake” but was it more a “coincidence” as a divine intervention guiding the way instead of it being a mistake?. There are more questions then answers for this is how life is meant to be for if we have all the answers how boring would that be then. At times we feel we want someone to make a choice for us, but that goes against God’s plan of Free-Will so these incidental or coincidental situations seem more as a nudge to pay attention to our inner guidance and realize that we are all given this wisdom, some just are better listeners as well as being aware of their surroundings. The answers are there, we just need to pay more attention to our “present moment”. Instead most of us are concerning ourselves with the past just only focusing on missed signs or wrong choices that we made, or focusing only our future ventures or decisions that needs to be made. These might make us miss the answers and/or keys that we are looking for to guide us to make the best choices. As we all have different paths to lead to fulfill our soul’s mission wether it’s something as a full-time bases or career, or some venture that you are to do just as a part-time hobby, it is all important and something that you have been brought to this world for in this moment and in this timeframe. The reasons we are brought here at this moment is, in my opinion and in some Spiritual Teachings, is that we all have what is known as a ‘soul contract’ so those that appear in your life in those moments which seems as they are highlighted they do have a certain purpose in our lives. It may be a message and/or guidance for you or you may be that guidance and/or messenger for someone else, you may not notice it then but if necessary you will realize the reason at a later time. Be the “best you” that you honestly can be and learn from your past but don't dwell on it just making yourself relive it over and over again. The future is not written in stone so you can redesign it for a better outcome no matter what consultations or readings you receive. There was something that was shown to me either in a program watched, article or book that mentioned about our soul having different death dates that is made prior to coming to earth and our souls can change those dates depending on the path we have taken in our lives. If this is the truth, which this for me was an awareness moment, then even our death date is not completely written then. Think about it if we have free-will to make our own choices which will lead us into our future then how can it be a “permanent” date then!!
My viewpoint is that those moments that get your complete attention that are not planned or is a very rare situation that can be interpreted as a “coincidence” is a divine intervention. Not every by chance situation may be that it all depends if one needs to hear a message or give a message, or if we need that person to guide/help us in our near future. Going a bit off this topic but that was something given to me as a ‘thought’ and will ask you if this to you seems like a coincidence or not…..??
In the New Testament it gives the description of Jesus’ birth and as written he was from the Holy Spirit that impregnated “Mary mother of God”, so as the message that was given to me is;
Jesus was not of man but he was of women.
Yet in society it doesn’t seem there is enough value made for women, even in this day and time period. So how in religion “Virgin Mary” as she is called due that she was one when she was impregnated as well as prior to birthing Jesus, then why have women been seen as “lesser” than man when women are the only ones that can create and give “life” to another human being?! The stories we are told is that “Eve” was the culprit of all the worlds misery and suffering when there were two people in that Garden of Eden and Adam actually made the final decision to take a ‘bite’ of that apple. So apparently he preferred defining God then living without women….. so ask yourself who was really at fault there??? (Will continue this on my next post titled “The truth, in my opinion, of “Adam and Eve”).
The final question that I have for you to ponder with is ……is this article a ‘coincidence’ of a ‘divine intervention’ for you or just a chance occurrence that you came across this post or even my blog?? Well only you can determine which is the correct answer, either way I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to contact me if you like further discussions and/or questions or would like to schedule an appointment for consult/readings or therapies offered.
Praying that we all have the Love, understanding, respect and honor to all, as well as for ourselves.
Many Blessings and Love to all in Jesus Name.
Maria Elena Padron-LMT/Ordained Minister/Esthetician/Reiki Master
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