Body, Mind and Spirit - How does Crystal Therapy Help?

There are those that hear about crystal and gemstone therapy and wonder how a mere crystal can actually heal?!  Well it’s not a magic wand and those that react to it or offer this Therapy claiming that it does, is not giving you a clarity of what this therapy entails.  Crystals and gemstones have their own unique wonderful healing energy which has been a process of the elements and it’s surroundings including the location as well as the formation of the earth.  Some are from other Universal formation that are fragments from a meteor sight that could be thousands or millions of years old.  Actually all of them have been around for a very long time for it takes thousands of years for them to be created.  As with all creations each have their own uniqueness and properties due to the experiences (conditions of the soil, elements and surrounding substances) it has gone through, just like humans do.  The formation of the stone normally represents the areas of healing by way of resonances and vibrational frequency which has been measured scientifically.  This makes them great for energy healing for they are great facilitators. 

All creation does respond to frequencies and vibrations which do affect the physical bodies, it does not only affect Humans but animals, plants and the elements (Earth).  We are more complexed due to our conscious mind so for humans we are tied into the Body, Mind, Spirit/Soul/Inner Wisdom, and Emotional beings so when one part of us is out of balance it does affect the other parts of us as well.  For example if you keep having a form of despair this will turn into a physical form of depression which can cause obesity or become under-weight causing other health issues.  With my years of being a massage therapist (licensed in 1995) then in 2005 I became a Massage Instructor and did training for large spas in the Tampa Bay Area for fellow massage therapy coworkers, I taught to always go in the route of intuitive massage.  Emphasizing that one should specialize the massage to the clients needs not only physically but also realizing that the body works as a whole meaning that the emotional/mental and physical will be tied in together.  The body can hold onto emotions trapped in certain areas disguising itself as a “physical pain” which there has been studies and researches scientifically done for over two decades.  This has been an Eastern study for over 5000 thousand years with the most common known health professionals of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda Health Practitioners, looking at all aspects of the person not only the conditions or diseases.  The example of the Chakra Balancing Method, which am sure a lot of you are familiar with, is tied into the Spine with it’s correlating nervous system and the Endocrine System which is your hormone messengers that working together create Homeostasis within your body, the inner part of you that you don't see which is your organs, muscle/skeletal tissues and the outer part of you which is your skin, hair and nails.  If one of your glands/organs are not functioning properly it does affect other organs and/or glands as well, for it is a domino affect.  
Our personalities and beliefs as well as our life experiences also has a lot to do with how and where our body will hold onto these emotions in our bodies as well as the trauma that caused either physical pain or mental/emotional pain.  When we introduce natural remedies to our body the resemblance and makeup is very similar to how our bodies are made up chemically and crystals/gemstones are no exceptions.  There are some “LightWorkers” and Massage Therapist that are incorporating the different elements into their sessions which may include some or all of theses listed; crystals/gemstones, sound therapy, essential oils and/or herbal infusions within their therapy sessions.  The use of crystals/gemstones are used to assist the body to rebalance itself as well as correlating to the colors it represents so it can be utilized in color therapy as well.  
When I was first introduced to crystal/gemstones it was after I just received my license as a massage therapist in Florida and was on a vacation trip with my family and my parents’ friends to Las Vegas.  On that trip we also went to the Grand Canyon on a day road trip/tour, there my father’s 1st cousin, who has always been psychic as well as clairvoyant, she informed me of the energy that the outer rocks of the Grand Canyon have and the great energy within them.  She told me to pick them up and see how I felt with them, when one of them attracted me then that’s the one I should choose.  On the following day she accompanied me to one of the other Hotel/Resort underground mall that had a crystal store.  My knowledge of crystals/gemstones was very limited so I went with the ones that were less expensive and more quantity then looking at the quality and significance of them.  There was my intuition as well as my cousin trying to direct me but I went for the cheaper route instead, of course with more investigation as well as studying more about the healing energies of the crystals/gemstones then I made better choices.  The path to other forms of healing besides massage started that day for me and now it has expanded into other healing energy based forms of therapy which is such a wonderful experience when used on it’s own and incorporating it with other modalities or types of elements.  
In the beginning of my journey, the books that were available spoke more of the makeup of the crystals/gemstones, the folklore history, properties, cleansing methods and how to wear them.  There were no detailed instructions on how to attune to them and prepare them for healing (your intentions) so my understanding once they are cleansed/charged you place them and they know what to do like you do with essential oils.  The experience was still positive for I did feel the energy shift but the potential they could of offered was not as accurate as it could of been.  They are not miracle workers for nothing or no-one is, they represent their energy, frequency and vibration as well as their chemical breakdown if you are using them as elixirs.  They were used in Egypt for decorating the body or as makeup (known now as “Mineral Makeup”) for the queens and kings as well as those in their court.  The crystals/gemstones when used for energy healing works with the subtle energy body (Auric Field) not like the essential oils or herbs that works with the chemistry makeup of the plant and your body’s chemical makeup working together to create the healing by chemical interaction.  The crystal/gemstones work mainly on vibrational energy so therefore you will need to state the instructions (intention) on what you would like assistance with, very similar to Angel Therapy or other entities that you may follow.  So you might ask; “if you don’t set the intentions then will it not be activated and not work at all?” For me I do feel that it still will provide the energy and vibrational frequency that it has, it just offers more exact results if you place the intention when you use it for healing purposes.  When I understood that one should connect with the stone stating the job you would like it to assist you in, then that was when I started the intention for each of the stones that I purchased.  There were some crystals/gemstones that chose me for they were not ones that I was actually searching for those particular stones but my subtle energy body was so as I believe that Devine intervention played in that factor and made sure to get them.  Later when I searched the properties/healing meanings of those stones I realized those were areas in my life mentally/emotionally or physically that was requiring attention as well.  
The more different types of healing modalities that I studied there was clarity with how to utilize these wonderful gifts from “Mother Earth”, God, and the Universe (which is all one to me it’s all God’s divinity) so that it can assist me in balancing my physical/subtle energy body, gives protection, offers it’s wonderful healing energies to my surroundings and helps me with my Intuitive work with the therapies I offer.  The feeling that you receive when it is a loving and non-judgemental atmosphere of a store that offers these elements it is an amazing experience.  There are many great stores (named Metaphysical Stores) that offer them for retail and normally the owner(s) and/or employees will have a good knowledge of them to assist you in finding your stone.  They will not select them for you as they know it should be your intuition that is to guide you, but they normally will guide you in the direction for the situation or what you would like to use them for. The energy “LightWorkers” when they do either a regular energy work or Crystal Therapy may suggest certain crystals that can assist you and if they have one in their possession they may be guided to offer them to you.  This is not always a part of the standard session unless they include this as part of their session which they may include in their price, but it normally is done if they are guided to do so.  In most cases if that’s the situation they may ask for a donation but that’s entirely up to the therapist or LightWorker (in Florida any manipulation of tissue or cells you must be a licensed massage therapist to charge for these services just FYI if you are interested in offering energy work).  This therapy along with so many other wonderful healing therapies like the Emotion Code and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique - Tapping Solution), which actually both of these incorporates some of the Acupoints from TCM, works with the emotional/physical body yet uses the energies or vibration frequency of the body to communicate where the problems or issues may be.  Through the years studying all these different modalities I have learned to do a form of communication utilizing my inner wisdom or guides and the inner wisdom or guides of the recipient, which can also be applied with the crystals which some refer too as intuition.  One interesting factor learning these other methods is that our DNA also carries the frequency of our Ancestors which then shapes our DNA.  The great thing that some of the scientist that study subtle energy found that when utilizing other therapies that incorporates vibrational energies or sound frequencies, it can change the format of your DNA and release those Ancestral Energies that may cause you an imbalance in your physical body.  How amazing and mind-blowing is that?  These are feelings that most people view as “questionable” for they mentally can not understand why they have these feelings or alignments and for myself it was not really mine, some of them belonged to an ancestor, I was in total shock for that was not at all what was taught to me in massage school as well as fellow therapist nor in my family even with my Psychic relatives.  The amazing thing is that even in the Bible in the Old Testament it states about the “sins of the father” (Ezekiel.18 King James) and now science has proven that it is actually true.  Of course we all make our choices in life and that also determines your well-being, but if you relate to the situations the same as your ancestor(s) did then it’s like that section of the DNA gets activated and your experiences will be very similar to that of your ancestor(s). The wonderful discoveries now has been that there are different techniques (crystal therapy is one of them) that one can use to release those ancestral energies that are bonding you as well as assisting your ancestor(s) and future decedents as well, its like the one admission covers the entire family lineage!! LOL
Within my faith and beliefs in my life there has been a “knowing” that God is all things so therefore all that is in this world as well as the Universe is created by God so they are gifts that are given to us to help assist us in Body, Mind and Spirit.  The truth of it all is; that if you look for the negative and/or do not open yourself to the experience as well as the wisdom then chances are your results will not be in its full potential.  There will always be positive energies given and released from the crystal/gemstones but if there are limitations within the recipient or if the provider is performing the session with impurity then the vibrational energies will not be in a completed format and the full healing will not occur.  The main thing is to do a complete analysis of your situation or physical ailments to see which is being brought the most to your attention, then look for a stone that helps with that.  In the process you may find there is a stone at the store that is calling your attention, look at it without touching it and walk away.  If you keep being drawn to this same crystal/stone then chances are this stone is meant for you so I would suggest before you purchase it to look at the healing properties of this stone to confirm it’s resonances with you and your situation and/or health.  
If you are looking for a provider that does work with crystals/gemstones and even when they are referred to you, do make sure to have a meeting with them prior to the session to see if you connect (listen to your inner-wisdom) with this person.  All of us are made of different vibrational energy frequencies which some blend well and others do not especially for that time and place that both of you may be at for that moment.  The truth is that we all are “self healers” we were designed this way to be our own “inner physician” as Dr. John Upledger had stated in his teachings as well as books (Your Inner Physician and You by Dr. John E. Upledger).  There are other like Dr. Joe Dispenza that has YouTube videos and many great books going over that same concept.  Even when you go have a session to see an energy “Light” worker it is your own body that does the healing we are there to facilitate the process giving you more “amps” for your healing in the session.  When other elements are incorporated in the session it will be like one is calling on the “divine entities” to assist you to guide you and help you heal the best way possible.  It will always be for your highest good and only your inner-wisdom/physician can determine what you will be able to process through at that time.  If it keeps occurring that will mean it does require more of your attention which may mean further evaluation or a deeper consultation which your therapist may be able to provide, but it’s only YOU that can heal or fix the situation(s).  As the Eastern cultures and indigenous people have always known for thousands of years is; we are all connected with the Earth/Universe and the Earth/Universe is connected to all of US to create a perfect balance.  The earth gives us it’s fruits as we give back to the earth in other ways as a thank you for the gifts it has graciously rewarded us with.  Do remember to do the same with your own body, as it helps you everyday maintaining you alive then do your best effort to care for it in all it’s relating bodies; the Physical Body, the Mental/Emotional Body, Spiritual/Soul Body.  So go on a “treasure hunt” and see what crystal/gemstone is calling you and be prepared to feel that loving pure energy that they have there waiting for you.

With Light and Love in Jesus name with many blessings, love and hope be sent to you!
“Let the Crystals Shine in Your Life”


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