Crystals/Gemstones - Amethyst

Amethyst is a stone that has attracted me since a young age.  It was my grandmother's favorite color and one that she always adored.  That's when I first came across it and it called my attention which the meaning of it was unknown to me at the time but it just brought a connection to me when I saw it.  Later when I started my work in healing did I realize the meaning of this precious stone.  Amethyst correlates with the 7th chakra which is located on the top of the head in the same area of your soft spot.  The opening that as a baby we have, which as I see it is the opening to the higher self and connection to God.  Is it left opened to start us in the journey of life?, I wondered. Is this why as babies we are so pure and see the world so differently?  As we get older that opening closes and now the world starts having a different view, for that connection starts getting smaller and the view is from our surroundings as others around us see it.  Judgment starts settling in and we accept our normal and start believing that the family unit we belong to is correct.  The beliefs we are surrounded with, the feelings and actions starts being mimicked and the sense of heavenly insight has slowly diminish as the soft spot begins to close.  Coincidence or does this opening really stand for something then just pure nature taking it's course?  To me it has more then just that simple meaning of it's a natural progress that our bodies goes through for why then did the ancestors of Eastern cultures view that same spot as the 7th chakra which is the spiritual connection to Divinity.

As adults that area starts to get out of balance which by now the law of nature, the "soft spot" has closed and no longer does that pure heavenly light shines in.  Through experiences in life, we all go through, that connection starts weakening and at times we feel lost.  We may still have faith but that is different then still being connected.  So if you can step out of yourself  for a moment and imagine yourself as a baby once again, what is the first thing that you think of?  Do you think freedom, no worries, being taken care of, complete happiness or just pure love?  Please note that if any negative thoughts pop up then please do seek a consultation.  We can talk privately or if you wish to share that's fine but that subconscious part of you needs to be worked on for your well being.

Nature has created a beautiful healing stone called the Amethyst and even though man has replicated it very closely in its mineral makeup compound, it is best to seek the natural stone for the healing benefits.  Amethyst has so many properties to help heal your inner being, spirituality, meditation for inner guidance and self awareness by balancing the 7th and 6th chakra (located between the eyebrows).  This is the only stone that I have noticed that covers two different chakras.  Based on my own research with books I have on crystals and gemstones, this stone has a very high vibration which works on both psychic abilities and the psyche.  The Amethyst stone works on the spiritual connection, divinity, opening the mind to allow oneself to be connect to the universe especially when balancing the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra)  and with the 6th chakra (3rd Eye/Eyebrow) it helps with intuition, foresight, openness, psychic abilities and imagination.  It also helps with the mental situations like addictions especially drinking, insomnia, bad dreams, improves memory, bestows good judgment and curbs overindulgence.  It has been used by priest and healers due to the insights it gives as well as lifting the spirits and promoting spiritual reality.  In ancient times it has been worn on Warriors Breast plates to aide them in battles for protection and strength.

Writing for this blog I held my Amethyst stone between my hands and felt it's power of energy and it's warmth that transmitted was incredible.  Then I meditated with it and wanted to feel the insight to see the journey it wanted to take me on.  I was guided to share that in my post so here is the message that I received in this meditation so I hope this will also help others as it has done for me.  "With your Spiritual connection there is so much you still need to learn, for you have forgotten the beauty you were and from where you came from.  You fall into judgment and pain you keep dwelling on not letting go of the heartaches and disappointments."  I was a bit confused so I asked for clarity and I felt a reluctant energy as I was informed that I knew the answers but it will explain it for me if I needed assurance.
 "You continue on the road to spirituality but have not given in completely, there seems to be some hesitation as though you will not have control in life, what you do not understand is no human does.  You are all here for the experience of life yet you don't live it, you worry more about tomorrow and keep feeling disappointment about yesterday in what you have not accomplished.  Find the joy in that you are wiser, stronger and more determined then before.  See what beauty, love and admiration there is around you.  This is what your focus should be, make the plans, set your goals, set your desires and figure out the path you wish to go on, but don't forget to Live Today!"

As you look at your Amethyst stone, see all it's glory, look for the history, see all the colors and if those colors may have a shape, now hold it and feel the energy.  How does it feel, does it feel energizing, high vibration, warmth or extensive heat, cold or cool, does it feel heavy or light and does it feel this way with the entire stone or in different areas?  There are times when it may have an original feel to it like being magnetic.  With the same stone you might have different feelings to it in different days.  When you have used it and there is no real sensation or intuitively you know that it feels off, then cleanse your stone.  To cleanse it you can use a sage stick and then put it outside to get the sunlight and then the moonlight.  I run it through water along with a prayer for the negative energies to be released and the positive healing energy to return and then put it on my window sill for 2 days then if I feel it's necessary I will smudge it as well (using sage stick).  When storing it I place it in a baggie with sage flakes to keep the positive energy in.  The Amethyst stone is the only stone that I know that has such diverse types of properties to help with spiritual, inner healing, physical healing, protection from harm with others and environmental like harmful magnetic fields given by electronics.  The other properties it has is that it helps with addictions, bad dreams, insomnia to list just a few.  This is one stone that should be in every household besides it being such a beautiful stone.  It will bring peace, protection and also prosperity.

The best way to buy your own stone is in person so you can see, feel and connect with it.  Pick the one that really calls to you no matter the appearance for the one that seems to be the less appealing may be the one that is perfect for you.  The store in Tampa that offers a really good price (which I purchase a lot of my stones from them) and is of good quality is located in the "Tampa Mall Flea Market" which is right off I-275 and Fowler.  The name of the store is "The Way of the Earth" their website is " to check for their days and times.  The owners are really great and knowledgeable also let them know I sent you.  Another store I love going to is in the "Old Town Center" in Kissimmee and the name of the store is "Black Market Minerals" which my stepdaughter (her father is the ex not her) told me about it and also went with me and my brother, for she knows I love my crystals!  Their website is to check the days and times, which you can also see their collections or if you prefer ordering on the web.  Every time I go in there I feel like a kid in a candy store, it is just amazing not to mention the energy you feel when you go inside, at times it feels as though it keeps calling you back...LOL.  Looking for gemstones/crystals is not a speedy type of shopping, it requires time and allowing yourself to connect with the stone.  Amazingly even those I know that don't like to shop will intuitively take their time with the purchase.

  This is a journey that all of us should take for well being and to connect with the Earth.  I thank my dad's cousin that on a vacation over 20 years ago was introducing me to crystals and their healing energy.  On a trip to Las Vegas she had strongly suggested for me to go to a crystal and gemstone store and she actually went with me to one of the stores she came across.  Immediately I was hooked and little did I know my journey had just started in a wonderful colorful journey!  So be free and explore, enjoy all this glory that God has granted us to stay connected, protected and well balanced.

Many blessings and Love through our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
P.S.  Many Sparkling Moments with your gemstone treasure


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