Energy Medicine Cabinet

Watching Star Trek, I would see Dr. McCoy use this type of scanner to diagnose the crew members when they went to the Ship's Clinic to find out what was wrong with them and then using the same scanner he will cure them. This always fascinated me, how wonderful would that be and how the writers came up with the idea to be a possible thing. I wondered if that will ever be possible and if it could be I was sure it won't be in my lifetime. Well they were not far in their thinking for back in the late 1980's a team of Russian Scientists, doctors and engineers developed the "SCENAR" (Self-controlled Energy-Neuro-Adaptive Regulator) for the space program as a method of treatment in space for a non-invasive regulator of body functions. This is a form of what is called "Energy Medicine" and also used as a Bio-feedback unit. I personally own two different units one called the "Denas" which is a version of the Scenar and the other one is called the Cem-Tech Spinor.
The Denas unit has different programs using different types of frequency as well as a form of bio-feedback to find the area that requires more attention. It is similar but a lot more advanced then a tens unit and also at a higher price point. The Cem-Tech uses crystal type emitters that works with your body's own frequencies more like a bio-feedback machine. It also has a recording program so it records the injured area and then you apply the same emitter onto the area for a certain time frame and the same frequency will balance it self out. This is very similar to Homeopathic Medicine which is "like attracts like" allowing your body to heal itself. I have used both units on myself and with my dad, the work is subtle and requires constant use so it is a commitment that needs to be done regularly and with the high cost few people will commit to this treatment or purchasing a unit for themselves.
A few years later I was introduced to a technology that is based on "Energy Medicine" using what is called a "disc" the size of a stamp or smaller with a Holographic imprint that you apply to your body following the meridians points similar to acupuncture. You wear them for 5 days and reapply as needed. As a sinus sufferer my friend put the one for Sinus/Allergy behind my ears on the bony section and I drank 8 ounces of water (the reason for the water as it is a conductor it acts as an activator for the disc) and then in 35-45 minutes I started feeling my nasal cavity open and I could breath better. I was also suffering from an allergic reaction on my neck that occurred from a certain skincare product sample I applied on my face and neck. I have been treating the area with 1% cortisone cream (over the counter) for days but it was not helping, I couldn't get any relief from it. Then on the next morning that the discs were applied, I noticed the rash was gone. After the 5 days I removed the discs and my allergies as well as the rash returned, I also noticed my head was feeling foggy like I did not get enough sleep which I knew I did and that feeling was not present the days I had the discs on. I had some samples given to me by the CEO/Founder of the EMROQuantum company at a presentation event so I re-applied another Sinus/Allergy disc and all the symptoms including the rash disappeared again. I woke up the next day and no brain fog it felt wonderful, for some reason I never connected the sinus with that. With this application I did noticed as well that as a person with slight Vertigo I did not get the dizziness that I use to get once in awhile. Actually since I have been using the Sinus/Allergy Relief discs since May of this year I have not had any episodes. This was such an amazing thing to me I could not believe that this disc did all this for me. My brother also attend the event and my friend had placed a Relief disc on each side of his knee and a Circulation disc on the back of his knee and within 35 minutes his pain went down from a 9 to a 2 his range of motion improved 90% he was also very amazed. So we both knew we had to join this company and sharing these discs!
This technology is the best thing that I have ever seen, and the best part due that it works with Holographic information imprinted on the disc in an energy frequency it has no chemicals, no trans dermal products there is no side effects. It is safe to use it on anyone even pregnant women, those with pace makers (which a lot of these units using frequency you have to be careful with), babies, children and even animals. This is the medicine of the future! What a wonderful way to further help people in "wellness" and feeling better. Now instead of reaching for a pain reliever like Advil or Alieve or cold medicine that has chemicals and drugs that do cause toxins and could cause severe health issues to your body I reach out for my Energy Discs. There are a total of 9 different types of Disc Packs, 8 of them that you apply on your body (or place close to it like clothing) for different symptoms and/or to help with your well being and 1 of them is for your technical devices to block the EMF that it radiates to the atmosphere and goes through our body which this disc you place on cell phone or laptop on the back close to the battery and protects you from those harmful rays (these rays have been linked to cancer and cerebral dysfunction). Another great product is the Energy Balance Wristband for all over balance to the body.
When I received the Platinum Pack that included the wristbands as well as all the 9 different disc packs I placed one wristband on my left wrist and on the next day I put it on the right wrist. They suggest for the first few times to wear two and place them on each wrist but I wanted to see how I felt with one. For me I felt unbalanced and almost felt as though my body was crying out for more energy balancing. It felt as though I received a therapeutic massage on half of my body on the left side only and the right side felt completely tight and limited range of motion while the left side that was worked on felt relaxed and the range of motion was improved. You feel off and out of balance as well as you are walking differently due that both sides are in a different state of being. So I reached in my pack and grabbed another wristband, put it on the opposite wrist, drank my water and within 30 minutes I was feeling completely balanced. Now the wristbands last up to two months if worn 12 hours a day and one month if worn 24 hours a day. I opted for the 12 hours but within two weeks I did not remove them and wore them 24/7, for I noticed my heel was less painful and my joints were less stiff when I got out of bed to go to the bathroom so I was able to walk better. There have been other things I noticed, my hot flashes were improving they were getting to be few and far in between. My sugar lows was starting to be in better balanced especially when I also wore the Stress Relief Disc. There are different places for the Stress disc to be placed and the one I preferred was on my C-6 and C-7 area (which is on the middle location on the back of the neck) this for me was the most effective area.
These small Holographic Energy Disc has changed my father's way of being, my brother's improvement in activity level, my well-being in so many ways and for many people the improvement in their over all health. In our weekly corporate calls there are so many testimonials shared and how much it has improved their lives. People using them in other areas depending on what symptoms they have finding which has helped certain conditions.
Now if you are on prescribed medications do not, I repeat DO NOT stop taking or reducing the amount prescribed until you see the doctor that prescribed those medications to you. These discs are for your well being not taking the place of any prescribed medication or treatment plan, they will not interfere with any medications or supplements for they are energy based.
As we all are unique beings the results will differ from each person, some it will take them a few days to feel some results (at least their desired results) and others will receive results within a few minutes some as fast as 2 minutes. My brother even my father will get results within 25-30 minutes it takes me close to an hour and sometimes the next day, at times they are subtle for me and I will notice more when I remove the disc and my symptoms return the next day which makes me feel down and life even feels different. There is so much more to share and I do urge you to listen to our corporate calls which are every Thursday Night at 8pm and only last for 30 minutes. All the disc and wristband are covered and there is a special guest speaker every week.
The number is 1-641-715-3810 Access Code 539193# and your line will be muted. I would love for you to contact me and let me know how you feel about the call, and if you want to start feeling better, send me your information and I will tell you how you can be eligible to receive a FREE sample. I will then follow up with you in a 24 hour period to get the feedback and give you more information about the products and the company. This will also be the time to see if the position of the disc needs to be change if the results were not what expected and also to make sure that enough water has been consumed for water is a conductor and as these are energy disc it works better with the body properly hydrated.
This product has exceeded my expectations and I learn more everyday especially with the corporate calls, weekly and quarterly trainings that is offered by the company. I am amazed on the benefits that the EmroQuantum products bring to so many people and how the life's have been changed with these results and people have more freedom in their lives. I thank God for leading me into this journey with the opportunity to share these great wonderful products. Prayers sent to all that you will find your journey and if I am one of the reason for that positive change that will get you there sooner then how blessed will I be for that!
Love and blessings
Maria Padron-Massage Therapist/Esthetician/Ordained Minister/EmroQuantum Founding Member
Learn more about the Energy Disc and Wristbands at:

Watching Star Trek, I would see Dr. McCoy use this type of scanner to diagnose the crew members when they went to the Ship's Clinic to find out what was wrong with them and then using the same scanner he will cure them. This always fascinated me, how wonderful would that be and how the writers came up with the idea to be a possible thing. I wondered if that will ever be possible and if it could be I was sure it won't be in my lifetime. Well they were not far in their thinking for back in the late 1980's a team of Russian Scientists, doctors and engineers developed the "SCENAR" (Self-controlled Energy-Neuro-Adaptive Regulator) for the space program as a method of treatment in space for a non-invasive regulator of body functions. This is a form of what is called "Energy Medicine" and also used as a Bio-feedback unit. I personally own two different units one called the "Denas" which is a version of the Scenar and the other one is called the Cem-Tech Spinor.
The Denas unit has different programs using different types of frequency as well as a form of bio-feedback to find the area that requires more attention. It is similar but a lot more advanced then a tens unit and also at a higher price point. The Cem-Tech uses crystal type emitters that works with your body's own frequencies more like a bio-feedback machine. It also has a recording program so it records the injured area and then you apply the same emitter onto the area for a certain time frame and the same frequency will balance it self out. This is very similar to Homeopathic Medicine which is "like attracts like" allowing your body to heal itself. I have used both units on myself and with my dad, the work is subtle and requires constant use so it is a commitment that needs to be done regularly and with the high cost few people will commit to this treatment or purchasing a unit for themselves.
A few years later I was introduced to a technology that is based on "Energy Medicine" using what is called a "disc" the size of a stamp or smaller with a Holographic imprint that you apply to your body following the meridians points similar to acupuncture. You wear them for 5 days and reapply as needed. As a sinus sufferer my friend put the one for Sinus/Allergy behind my ears on the bony section and I drank 8 ounces of water (the reason for the water as it is a conductor it acts as an activator for the disc) and then in 35-45 minutes I started feeling my nasal cavity open and I could breath better. I was also suffering from an allergic reaction on my neck that occurred from a certain skincare product sample I applied on my face and neck. I have been treating the area with 1% cortisone cream (over the counter) for days but it was not helping, I couldn't get any relief from it. Then on the next morning that the discs were applied, I noticed the rash was gone. After the 5 days I removed the discs and my allergies as well as the rash returned, I also noticed my head was feeling foggy like I did not get enough sleep which I knew I did and that feeling was not present the days I had the discs on. I had some samples given to me by the CEO/Founder of the EMROQuantum company at a presentation event so I re-applied another Sinus/Allergy disc and all the symptoms including the rash disappeared again. I woke up the next day and no brain fog it felt wonderful, for some reason I never connected the sinus with that. With this application I did noticed as well that as a person with slight Vertigo I did not get the dizziness that I use to get once in awhile. Actually since I have been using the Sinus/Allergy Relief discs since May of this year I have not had any episodes. This was such an amazing thing to me I could not believe that this disc did all this for me. My brother also attend the event and my friend had placed a Relief disc on each side of his knee and a Circulation disc on the back of his knee and within 35 minutes his pain went down from a 9 to a 2 his range of motion improved 90% he was also very amazed. So we both knew we had to join this company and sharing these discs!
This technology is the best thing that I have ever seen, and the best part due that it works with Holographic information imprinted on the disc in an energy frequency it has no chemicals, no trans dermal products there is no side effects. It is safe to use it on anyone even pregnant women, those with pace makers (which a lot of these units using frequency you have to be careful with), babies, children and even animals. This is the medicine of the future! What a wonderful way to further help people in "wellness" and feeling better. Now instead of reaching for a pain reliever like Advil or Alieve or cold medicine that has chemicals and drugs that do cause toxins and could cause severe health issues to your body I reach out for my Energy Discs. There are a total of 9 different types of Disc Packs, 8 of them that you apply on your body (or place close to it like clothing) for different symptoms and/or to help with your well being and 1 of them is for your technical devices to block the EMF that it radiates to the atmosphere and goes through our body which this disc you place on cell phone or laptop on the back close to the battery and protects you from those harmful rays (these rays have been linked to cancer and cerebral dysfunction). Another great product is the Energy Balance Wristband for all over balance to the body.
When I received the Platinum Pack that included the wristbands as well as all the 9 different disc packs I placed one wristband on my left wrist and on the next day I put it on the right wrist. They suggest for the first few times to wear two and place them on each wrist but I wanted to see how I felt with one. For me I felt unbalanced and almost felt as though my body was crying out for more energy balancing. It felt as though I received a therapeutic massage on half of my body on the left side only and the right side felt completely tight and limited range of motion while the left side that was worked on felt relaxed and the range of motion was improved. You feel off and out of balance as well as you are walking differently due that both sides are in a different state of being. So I reached in my pack and grabbed another wristband, put it on the opposite wrist, drank my water and within 30 minutes I was feeling completely balanced. Now the wristbands last up to two months if worn 12 hours a day and one month if worn 24 hours a day. I opted for the 12 hours but within two weeks I did not remove them and wore them 24/7, for I noticed my heel was less painful and my joints were less stiff when I got out of bed to go to the bathroom so I was able to walk better. There have been other things I noticed, my hot flashes were improving they were getting to be few and far in between. My sugar lows was starting to be in better balanced especially when I also wore the Stress Relief Disc. There are different places for the Stress disc to be placed and the one I preferred was on my C-6 and C-7 area (which is on the middle location on the back of the neck) this for me was the most effective area.
These small Holographic Energy Disc has changed my father's way of being, my brother's improvement in activity level, my well-being in so many ways and for many people the improvement in their over all health. In our weekly corporate calls there are so many testimonials shared and how much it has improved their lives. People using them in other areas depending on what symptoms they have finding which has helped certain conditions.
Now if you are on prescribed medications do not, I repeat DO NOT stop taking or reducing the amount prescribed until you see the doctor that prescribed those medications to you. These discs are for your well being not taking the place of any prescribed medication or treatment plan, they will not interfere with any medications or supplements for they are energy based.
As we all are unique beings the results will differ from each person, some it will take them a few days to feel some results (at least their desired results) and others will receive results within a few minutes some as fast as 2 minutes. My brother even my father will get results within 25-30 minutes it takes me close to an hour and sometimes the next day, at times they are subtle for me and I will notice more when I remove the disc and my symptoms return the next day which makes me feel down and life even feels different. There is so much more to share and I do urge you to listen to our corporate calls which are every Thursday Night at 8pm and only last for 30 minutes. All the disc and wristband are covered and there is a special guest speaker every week.
The number is 1-641-715-3810 Access Code 539193# and your line will be muted. I would love for you to contact me and let me know how you feel about the call, and if you want to start feeling better, send me your information and I will tell you how you can be eligible to receive a FREE sample. I will then follow up with you in a 24 hour period to get the feedback and give you more information about the products and the company. This will also be the time to see if the position of the disc needs to be change if the results were not what expected and also to make sure that enough water has been consumed for water is a conductor and as these are energy disc it works better with the body properly hydrated.
This product has exceeded my expectations and I learn more everyday especially with the corporate calls, weekly and quarterly trainings that is offered by the company. I am amazed on the benefits that the EmroQuantum products bring to so many people and how the life's have been changed with these results and people have more freedom in their lives. I thank God for leading me into this journey with the opportunity to share these great wonderful products. Prayers sent to all that you will find your journey and if I am one of the reason for that positive change that will get you there sooner then how blessed will I be for that!
Love and blessings
Maria Padron-Massage Therapist/Esthetician/Ordained Minister/EmroQuantum Founding Member
Learn more about the Energy Disc and Wristbands at:
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