Abuse and the Ripples it Creates

When we get abused in our life for some of us, we are grateful that we don't become like our abusers and be abusive to others. So from my experience I thought I overcame that situation and was proud that I did not become like my abuser. The one person I forgot about was myself and in turn became a different type of abuser. Reviewing other articles and listening to stories on television there is a cycle that occurs and even though what was being shown was a more aggressive type of abuse or how we continue to be victims there is another type that I became aware of which hides in so many different ways that it is misdiagnosed. The ones I became aware of which some people will show all signs some will show a few or the opposite are; not disciplined, under achiever, disorganized, not motivated, procrastinator, follower, controlling, weight issues, money issues just to name a few. One may feel that they have a handle on the past abuse because of the aware...