Personal Power… How would you rate yourself with it?

What comes to your mind by having Personal Power?

Think of it in the way that Jesus as the Messiah, Gandhi, Buddha, and Mother Theresa would consider what Personal Power was to them.  Rating yourself from 1-20; 1= very little and 20= Extremely Well.  The difference in the range and why I put it up to 20 is that there’s more of a range to scale yourself with.  For those who feel they are a ‘20’ that means you are up there with the masters and have what is considered Christ Consciousness , which is not about being a Christian but being in a state that you are completely connected with the Universal Energy (I realized this when there was an article about that). If am to be honest with others and more importantly myself, my rating is in the 11-13 range, depending on the day it effects my rating.  The reason that I rate myself in the middle is that the connection of Mind, Body, & Soul is understandable for me but am a person that is in my head the majority of the time so this is where my mind tends to be in another reality.  
From my research it stated that the majority of us human beings are around 40-50% (for me a bit more LOL) in our heads, this is why there is fear and doubt which is a normal function this is how we can access situations to see if it is a hazard for us or if it is safe for us to proceed.  The problem is that with doubt and fear we seem to forget our instincts and follow the logical aspects instead of combining both.  The meaning of ‘personal power’ may be viewed differently, for some will see it as the actual power-play in relationships, either personal or community, and others will view it as having control of their lives.  Depending on one’s personality and situations in their life, one will have different views as well as a vision of who they are or want to be so their view with the ‘Personal Power’ meaning will be different.  

The one thing I have learned from my choices and life situations was the lost of the personal power of how I viewed myself and allowed others to be controlling in the relationship.  As a very young child even as a toddler from what I was told by my immediate family, there was no problem with my self-view and worth for I always spoke my mind and was told at times a little too much LOL.  The community experience starting as early as Kindergarten, was when everything had changed for me for being a child of immigrants and my parents not speaking or understanding the language well, they could not help me with my studies.  This is when my understanding of not fitting in really started for me especially within my age group due that fellow students laughed at me for I couldn’t understand when I was asked to spell my own name and was trying to look at another student’s paper when I was in Kindergarten and still in the second grade.  My 1st grade teacher was very patient and wonderful so she made my experience a positive one but my 2nd grade teacher that was a downhill journey and she was verbally abusive to me.  When writing this blog this is when I realize this was the starting point of losing my ‘personal power’ for the majority of humans have some form of trauma starting at a young age and am in that group but mine was really adamant in my teenage years with sexual molestation as I was developing into a woman.  These were mainly elders around my dad’s age and the looks that were given was very uncomfortable feelings which as a child born under the Astrological sign of Pisces on the Aries cusp, I was sensitive with a debating quick temperament personality.  In my era this was not discussed as well as my sensitivity around people (am an Empath) so there was no one I could speak too due that some were family and friends of my parents.  This is not a subject that is comfortable for me to discuss but this is what am guided to share with the understanding that no names or relations will there be disclosed.  The abusers of course as all of them do told me not to tell anyone or someone will get hurt, so of course as a child you believe this person who is older than you.  The younger teenagers would say that this was a game and it’s ok, so again you believe them.  There are unfortunately a high percentage of children that go through this sexual abuse and harassment all over the world not just in the US and the worse thing I hear is “well there was no penetration so it’s not that damaging” especially in my era which is very aggravating but back in the 70’s there was few or any information about it.  The statics are not even that accurate because there are a lot of us that will not discuss it mainly due that the majority is within their own home.  This abuse due that it is a silent one and very confusing for a child/teenager it will slowly take your power away and changes your personality in the process.  

There is a great spiritual healing speaker that was gifted with the insight of Medical Intuitive as a young child named Caroline Myss that has a program on Gaia called ‘Sacred Power’ that is very empowering.  She is also on YouTube which covers different topics and on Gaia the episode that goes over the “Personal Power”, this one is a very informative insightful episode. The area that really called to me was the part of how we see ourselves compared to how others see us and how our thoughts can either empower us or disempower us.  Every choice we make in every second of the day will start with a thought which starts to be a ripple affect to the rest of our day as well as life and to the rest of the world.  Yes believe it or not our thoughts will effect the world around us either in a positive energy based way or a negative energy based way.  This brought to my mind back when we lived in Cuba and when around the late 50’s early 60’s around the time of my birth was the start of the communist regime. At that time if you qualified you could still leave the country in the acknowledgment that you are leaving everything behind and leaving with one or two suitcases for the entire family.  We were a total of 7 people that included 4 adults (2 elderly) and 3 children to move to an unknown country, culture and language with a no-return situation (the majority of communist countries do this).  This choice that my parents made has been a ripple affect for many in my family in a positive way.  The highlight of this story is that when we were at the airport in the immigration checkpoint, my father’s papers were not completed according to the officer and they couldn’t approve his leave.  My father looked at my mother and told her to go ahead with the rest of us (3 children and his parents) to board on the plane to the US and he will follow as soon as his paperwork was cleared.  This is the most important choice of ‘personal power’ that there can be for my mother told him “NO” we all leave or none of us will leave.  Mind you this is a culture and era when the ‘head of household’ is the male and women do not speak out for that is a dishonor for the husband.  My father’s choice also very important was to follow my mother’s wishes and agreed.  Thank God for apparently with both my parents following their inner wisdom the officer approved his paperwork and let him pass!  This story was told to me numerous times and it took me as an adult to understand the importance of the choice that they both made and the blessing that the officer changed his mind and made another choice to let the entire family leave and board that plane.  

Every choice you make in life will change your outlook or your journey, and those that were made for you as well.  The ones already made are in the past which is not were we are suppose to go for that leads us backwards and now there are more steps that we are adding in our lives.  This is a reason why we are so tired and exhausted that those energy drinks are an easy money maker for it is always in demand even in bars, that’s too amusing in my opinion.  Am one that has to have that coffee in the morning and when I need to fast that’s the first thing that crosses my mind is “OMG no coffee” yeah that’s a bit of a problem LOL.  The awareness of how much one’s thoughts can effect one’s life, body, family, community and cause health conditions is really amazing but the process is very painful due that what is called ‘shadow work’ will be required.  That is a in-depth work that you go in layers to get to the core of the situation that caused your fears, doubts, and inner view of who you are not what other’s may see as being.  We also have a choice to keep pushing it down and never working on them but the reality is you will not live the life that you deserve to have or those around you that do get affected by the way you handle your life.  Even animals as well as babies for they are very receptive to energy and they are like sponges that soaks it all up.  This is not to add too your list of self-help situations it is an awareness that if you live in your head as I do, then your are missing great opportunities to live more of a peaceful loving life.  The choice is always ours no matter if you are in a situation you feel that you are destined to live for we can change it when we have the Personal Power within us.

There is no time limit so don’t compare yourself to others on how long it has taken you to get there as long as you get there!!

Live your life to the fullest starting with really loving who you truly are and remember that being truly honest with yourself (Jesus saying “the truth will set you free”) is only to make your life the best it can possibly be.  This honestly is the only method that you can grow for there are no shortcuts, which I have tried, that only gives a temporary fix.  This process will take some time but in the long round it will give you the opportunity to have time for yourself.

Many blessings and love to all, may God bless you and you be open to receive it!

Maria E. Padron- Ordained Minister, Reiki/Energy Worker, LMT, Spiritual Counselor and Life Coach

Contact me at:  (813) 331-5508 (texting is better) and my email contact:


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