
The Cries of the Body

The Cries of the Body Even though I have always been sensitive and aware of my body’s reactions to the external and internal substances, I just realized at 62 years wiser (LOL) how much I do try to control my surroundings, situations, as well as my body to follow my thoughts and desires.  For many years since my early 30s I was diagnosed with Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and was informed if not controlled in later years it can turn into Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar aka Diabetes).  A part of me knew it was due to stress for it did occur after my massage course and studying for my massage license.  The divine guides which is also what some call “inner wisdom” there were messages that was given about taking time to relax and meditate.  There was information given to me from specialist in the Health industry as well as books I read to separate my meals into smaller portions so I will eat every 2-3 hours in the day which helps also with your metabolism which is the proper way for every

Poem: The Right to Believe….

The Right to Believe….. Many a nights I have stayed awake wondering how others see me The belief that I follow seems not to be the same Yet in my heart I know that they are true, even if they seem different Rules and regulations that “Man” has set forth in so many religions  Stating that their beliefs is the truth that has been given to only them A “Divine Creator” who I call “God” and others give him/her other names Together it seems that it is all the same creator and Divine Source A human man called “Jesus” the Christ came over 2000 years ago with words that others called “Blasphemy” Fear they had for it was truth he was proclaiming and of God they intuitively knew he was He came and brought a belief and teaching that God our Father declared Still he had to give his life so he can save us mere humans of our misguided ways His words and teachings that will always be a part of me for his Blood he shed for all For as he came for his people as written by Prophets he in the far future h

Mother Nature

Mother Nature As I was created to offer Life and from me Humans raised The tress have been sustained from my love and nourished from the Heavens The Flowers bloomed from seeds planted in my soil tended with loving care The winds move substances around that flows within my sphere of LiFe All to deliver what all humans will need to survive and provide growth Many thousands of years ago many adorned Me but forgot the true Creator (God) Now many acknowledge and Honor the Creator (God) but have forgotten about Me Waste has come upon Me with few realizing the damages they are leaving behind Many are in war and creating “hate” that is filling Me so that there’s no room for growth On I throw away unwanted desires of the greed and envy that is so felt by all Now unto the Universe this energy is expanding and the repair is nowhere in sight My tears fall heavily causing disturbances to occur yet blame is thrown unto our Creator  No one desires to care for Me as once before, but it will not be thy

Addictions - Not Always Noticed

When you hear the word “Addiction”, what’s honestly the first thing that comes to your mind?  The first thing that comes to my mind the majority of the time is alcohol or drugs, for that turns into a chemical dependency beyond the mental or emotional state.  Yet addictions can be to anything physical, emotional or thoughts actually even with relationships to people or a cause.  The majority of us get so wrapped up in our lives that we don’t take the time to analyze what’s happening with us health wise including the whole person “body, mind & spirit” so it can become to grow into an addiction.  When you start realizing there is a problem even though your love ones keep bringing it to your attention its when  the floor drops on you that it makes you Wake Up and you Face the Truth that you have become an addict.  It is not an easy step to take for admitting that what or whom you like becomes an obsession it can then become an addiction.  There was one day that my conversation with my

Key to Abundance

The Key to Abundance - is to be grateful for the Abundance that you already have! Part of being human is having the desires of obtaining more even when we have enough gifts in our lives, always wondering if we have a bigger home, more money, more fame, new car, a better job….etc., etc., we will be completely happy.  Instead of thanking God for the gifts that we already have and have been blessed with in the past.  Everyday that we are granted is a gift that we have received;                   First -             You have been granted this Day                   Second -      You have Joy at your Service for it is a God given gift for Everyone                   Third -            Your surroundings, as you look around even though not perfect it’s yours You may not have a large abundant home but others are homeless You may only have a car to sleep in but others are not able or can’t manage to drive You may not have had food yesterday to eat but others are not able to feed themselves You m


Fallen When there are times that you feel that when you finally get yourself off the ground, there’s another hurdle  close to you waiting for you, to see if you can jump that one smoothly or will it cause you to trip and have you fall once more.  This hurdle seems to you higher and with extreme exhaustion you feel as you can’t gather enough strength to run nonetheless  to jump another hurdle and a larger one at that!!  You realize that there are two Options;  1.  Wave the White Flag and Quit 2.  Pick yourself Up even though you may feel that you will Fail this One There is honestly a 3rd Option and amazingly it requires no amount of Strength  but it does Require your complete FAITH!  The key is for this is my Testimony to YOU:   LET GO and LET GOD!!!! The simple action is to ASK GOD to help you and your job is to follow him!   It’s like when you are caught in that rapid stream that you have let go for you no longer have the strength to fight against the current and just pray that it wi

POEM: The Wonders of Nature

                                       The Wonders of Nature In the distance the songs of the Bluejays fills my ears with perfect melodies  In the distance the clouds form different shapes that dance in perfect harmony In the distance the fragrance of the flowers fills my senses In the distance the Sun shares it’s warmth and lights the day in glory In the distance the trees waves in their existence and provides shade The beauty there is in the landscape of God showing me the wonders created Here I can become one with him through nature In the distance the Moon glows brightly within the darkness In the distance the feelings of the soothing wind feels like kisses In the distance the tiny creatures make their presence known In the distance the Stars are glowing from thousands of years away Here I gaze at the sky and all the wonders of the night Even in the darkness there is still light that glimmers For here another day as come and gone yet still the wonders of God Fills Me! By Maria Elen