What is the True Meaning of the story of Adam and Eve…..????

The story of the first man and the first woman as it is written in the Bible the Old Testament, has been told to tell the beginning of time.  When growing up here in the United States no matter one’s beliefs, the majority are told that Eve was the one who was cursed in “bearing children”.   There will be extreme pain in childbirth to bring human life into this world that all women will bear that pain and every cycle we will also endure when not in gestation. This was the curse for Eve eating the fruit of the Forbidden Tree and then sharing it with Adam.  There is though a wonderful occurrence that women that have gone through childbirth the majority will repeat it again at least once more.  My belief is that woman is not the decedent curse of Eve, we are the barrier of Life itself.  The feminine energy sustains the Earth life as well as the female are creators and they sustain the life inside of them.  So I realized that God/Universe which is our creator had chosen women (feminine energy=Earth) to create and nourish life within her. 
So I ask you is not the women the closest version to God/Universe creator?? Therefore we are the true Earth Goddesses, while men is actually the protectors and providers as well as to find shelter for the care of the women.  They are to provide the Earth Goddesses the nourishment and build a shelter as well as protect the homes for the family to survive.

Many many years ago (in the late 80’s) I was told of a verse in the Old Testament that shares a very similar situation stating what God sees of the roles of the man and woman in the household.  The wife (woman) cares for the home and children and the husband (man) will provide the home, food and lively hood as well as the security for their family at all cost!! The point is that in honesty the man actually works for the woman.   It was just as sinful for the husband as the wife in God’s eyes, there is no other higher to take over this punishment, so he will be unfavorable with both genders in the same manner.  Throughout time it seems that men went along with the “ego” and the interpretation was mislead by man viewing woman as weak for they needed protection instead of remembering that only woman can be the creators of human life on Earth so they need to be handled with care for humanity to continue.  One point to remember is that Eve was tempted by a very cunning Satan that it took some time to mesmerize her and  it took only a glance to Adam with her holding the apple that he surrounded.  The thought process from Adam must of been that he rather disobey God their creator then lose his mate Eve that he apparently loved, so he took a bite of the apple.  So for me it’s difficult to still believe that Eve was the one who destroyed the Garden of Eden, when my belief is that the final culprit was actually Adam.  He was not really tempted by “Satan” which had more cunning abilities, it was Eve’s innocence handing him the apple believing there were no great affect that will occur.  The one who completely changed the story of it was actually Adam for he went by his desire of being with her instead of obeying the only rule given to them by their own Creator.  As my guides have informed me that woman as of then was not created for the man’s needs, actually man was created for the woman’s needs!  This results in the fact that woman need to be “appreciated” and “Valued” as we are the closest resemblance to God/Universe Creator for it is not really man!  The woman is more in the image of God for only the female can create and carry this life inside her, this is why in other cultures the “women” are consider the Goddess of Life and is to be worshipped and protected.  Think about it wasn’t mother Mary chosen to be the “mother of God the Son as as mentioned in another post, “Jesus was of woman but not of man”, so he was as a seed implanted in Virgin Mary but the embryo Jesus carried her blood and needed her nourishment.  The role of Joseph’s as her husband was to always protect, provide food and shelter for her and her unborn child.  

As the words are written many have been taught that man should over rule and woman are there to be the barriers of their heir’s.  The authors even wrote that women will be forever cursed for destroying the “perfect world” what was to be the Utopia world and even us women, including myself when those painful monthly cycles came with unbearable pain, that we cursed Eve for taking or eating that apple and tempted Adam.  There are also stories that states that man was created by God first in his image and then so Adam will be in company out of Adam’s rib he created woman.  Then when Eve took the apple that Satan seduced her with she offered it to Adam and he took it so she was seen as “the Temptress” which will be cursed along with all women to bearing the pain of giving life.  If you can ponder on this thought for a moment, how can bearing life, experiencing that life growing inside of you be an actual curse.?  For if it was not for women the human existence will no longer be, for it will END! That’s the most powerful ability ever given, even if you bear none of your own, women can still carry the hormones of a nurturing being more then men can which is the natural makeup of the female.  To state a fact about the “rib thing” if you study anatomy you are well aware that both male and female have the same amount as well as types of ribs….LOL, so that story about Eve being created by Adam’s rib seems a bit confusing too me for it seems to me that we were also planned to be created the woman was not a forethought for the pleasure of man, the woman was created as a special “gift” that will continue to create and nourish life.  Looking at all the factors which represents the man and the woman in history with all the different cultures and their beliefs it seems to go in so many different directions.  The ones which for me seems to be closer to the truth are the indigenous group (tribes) around the world that follow the concept with sculptures designed for the Creator of Human Life the woman.  They are seen as Goddesses so are worshipped and protected given foods and offerings for their contribution to the Earth by providing healthy babies.  Of course a lot of these indigenous people were removed by other countries overtaking them so the values and beliefs have lessen and the corrupted society believing that man was superior to woman and the females were below the males due that they were created stronger and faster providing more to the community.  The tales that God created man first so he’s the true heir to this Earth which honestly the only being that was given the Earth is actually once a divine being Lucifer (other beliefs have the same type of storyline just different characters) which turned Evil when he wanted to be the same as God which no creation can ever over seize it’s creator.  These cultures, of what was believed as an advanced society, believed that only man could be rulers, warriors, and/or prophets, but with new found scriptures it has been proven as false beliefs for there have been women prophets that shared their teachings.  The history in France which is very well known with “Joan of Arc” in the 15th century shows that women were also prophets as well as warriors.  Of course when she was too recognized and honored, she also was thought of as threat mainly to the Catholic Church and was charged with heresy for her visions and beliefs, she was burnt at the stake for those views which were actual lies.  There’s a reason why a woman was created and it was not for Adam to feel superior, not when woman was created to continue God’s/Universe’s work by crating and nurturing life so humankind will continue and be the main animal to care for the Earth.  The role that man was for is to carry the seed which also does determine the gender of the embryo and that’s the only factor in creating a child.  It is interesting to me is that the religions that follow the Old Testament as well of those that follow both, there are no statements or verses that shows that woman should be looked down as the inferior one to man, for there are stories showing woman as providing for their own when husbands or male families are lost.  There are also history books or ancient drawings which show no signs of superiority for queens were valued as much as kings.  The woman all through history have demonstrated double roles without ever remarrying but the majority of man did remarry and quickly for they could not handle both responsibilities, so why is it that the value of woman is still to this day not considered at a higher degree.  The animal kingdom realizes that importance of the female more then humankind does!
The worker bees and ants live to care, nourish and provide safe shelter for their Queen (note no King).
Humans as other animals and insects, are to have awareness of the value that each gender provides to keep our beautiful planet Earth balanced.  There should not be a power struggle on who’s the better gender that God/Universe created but to remember that we are both important roles for humankind for I believe in God’s eyes we are all the same his loving creation!  If you study Anatomy/Physiology you will note that yes due to gender hormones are base structure will differ for the specific roles that we were created for thousands of years ago, but all of our organs (includes skin and brain) are created the same so the function is the same the only difference is the gender organs and the hormones those organs create.  So all animals are created for the reason to reproduce and the gender organs function accordingly to create that life and the male and female roles commence for that creation to be possible.  With humans as we are clothed the gender can be hidden until puberty reaches at that moment the differences in the female and male body becomes prominent so the emotions, perceptions and bounding emotions especially for females are heightened.  This is when males become more aggressive and protective but their emotions are not connecting with thought process as easily and if following their culture or families traditions will determine how they view the female gender.  This is not to be confused with the “superior complex” for that is a taught emotion or idea from their elders (can even be siblings) which then becomes their reality.  

Woman have proven themselves all throughout history in all parts of the world and mainly in the history of the United States the 20th century was when it was proven that women did succeed and in some cases excelled the value of the projects given to them during World War II (from 1939-1945).  As the majority of strong healthy men from the ages of 21-35 were in mandatory drafting if they qualified it then left the women and their families to survive on their own.  Companies had their male employees taken to go to war so those companies needed people to keep their company going and the majority ofworkers available were women.  The first applicants after the man left they called on the wives of the men that were serving the country, then the unmarried women would be called.  This of course all changed when the wars was over, some women didn’t even receive any recognition of their great efforts keeping the United States in great economic condition.  The married women went back to being homemakers and the unmarried women would seek other available jobs and even those with the same position as other men received less pay just because they were women.  What saddens me is that it’s been over 80 years since the end of WW2 and women are still fighting that fight of equal pay for equal work.  If you are in another ethnic group then there is a double hardship as well which is why this “superior” outlook is damaging our world. This is not only happening in the US this is around the world wether its the color of one’s skin even if you are the same ethnic group, your family heritage (clans), and social status.  Now with “social media” it is all about your followers so the majority are focused on that popularity and others feel jealousy that those popular people have so much attention then they have so they create a hatred causing rumors to bring them down.  This is what is known as “cause and effect” and the more negativity that is spread around the world there is damage being done to our Mother Earth and people are not putting their responsibility into it either blaming everything else instead.  The generation Z is more involved in the technical world that few thought goes into someone’s feelings and the damage then can cause.  Those that “like” and share those bullying comments are actually worse for they continue that negative feeling and thoughts so don’t think that just because someone else created that post they are the only one that fall into blame.  This is what is in power now and determines the “superiority/inferiority complex” depending on your followers, which will be the great way of uniting all that follow someone because they like them not because they want to ruin them.  Now the true followers are the ones that ignore the ignorant comments and believe the one they adore their post and the values that person represents.  This is a platform that is open for many different people that can educate themselves and have faith in themselves  to succeed.  This is a moment in time that are beliefs can be put aside on which gender is superior for this platform is all about who is the most interesting and entertaining geez even animals are having “followers” LOL, they just don’t care enough to respond!!  Those that bully do hurt others in many different ways just to make themselves look or feel superior especially to the opposite sex and at times among their peers so they don’t seem weak or unworthy giving them the false sense of superiority for actually just bad mouthing someone.  Their own self-worth keeps crying out of their pain and the only way they can understand to achieve this superiority is to put someone below them.  This is when someone should be brave enough to reject this behavior not applaud it for you are becoming the same as they are and also participating in the bullying.  The worse part is when it is female to female putting each other down to get the attention of the one they are interested in.  This is the worst attack for now not only are you dealing with the men trying to control the reins you now have other women trying to take it from you by insults and lack of support.  It matters not what you may believe with the being at home mom or if you are more career driven, the women need to support each other’s values and beliefs even if we don’t agree 100% with it.  We all can’t be the one’s caring and nourishing for our nation’s daughters, we also need women that will go out and make this world better for younger women to be able to survive in.  Think about it; if women don’t do this for each other then how can we ever expect for man to see us as a valuable part of society.  

No one should feel less than anyone else and no one has the right to think the are better than anyone else this goes for both male and female.  There are no favorites in God’s outlook we all have to prove our love and faith, even if no-one humanly is watching remember that God always is so think twice for you will end up dealing with the consequences there is no way around it for the record has been created and can not ever be erased.  The lessons we encounter are always helps us create our own life and those with extreme hardships look into the reasons why that lesson is still lingering also remember that God entrusted you with your path so the tougher your road that means there is an importance that your path must follow.  We all feel pain no matter the degree of that pain it still can pierce through your core and make you feel defeated.  The importance is to understand the lesson for it is up to us to look up and realize that the perfection is not the important factor it is the awareness of that defeat or pain and how we will correct and learn from it.

As this is Women’s Month it is important for all of us to remember all of the women that have put their energy into this planet as well as their loving and caring feminine vibration and it’s even in your DNA.  We all have been created and nourished by a woman even if not in the best conditions you are here because they were able to create and keep you safe until your birth.  There is no way to have life if a woman was not involved even if done scientifically the woman needs to maintain life!! 
With all my respect and honor for all those women that are all over the world that have given their time, effort and some their lives so we can be seen as a respected and valuable human being in this world!!
My gratitude to all who continue to bring awareness and may all humans male and female value each other for if you are a Christian then you know that his teachings were for all to unite in love, caring and protecting one another and no judgment towards any human being!!

Love and Blessings to All!!

Maria E Padron - LMT/Ordained Minister/Spiritual Life Coach and Guided Counseling 



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