Meaning of COVID-19
The real answers lie within all of us and ALL of us are to blame. We feed others with our negative thoughts and words. There is the pointing of the fingers but no one points at themselves, just complaining about what the standards of protection are, the inconvenience brings, how we feel trapped, etc., but some have not tried to see how to contribute to find a solution. It's amazing the ones that cry and complain the most are the one's that seem to be more of the problem then the solution. There is a continuous hatred among all of us (myself included) for none are excluded, (there are very few humbled souls but unfortunately they are the minority) not even those that consider themselves the victims.
Even in this time where this pandemic should bring us to the realization that we are all the same, we are "human beings" and this virus does not discriminate all of us are in danger even the young. Now we are not only dealing with this pandemic we are also dealing with victims of hatred, rioters and others that keep wanting to separate us. Why do we keep dividing ourselves, those with different ethnic backgrounds, those with different color of the skin, those with different sexual orientation, those in different religions, economical situations, those who feel they are not the right gender, the list goes on and on which we then continue to separate ourselves in groups. We are all unique special "human beings" and all are children of God, he does not put us in separate boxes, in his eyes we are all the same. Just like we are all in it together with this Pandemic it is the same in all of it!!
Unfortunately this has been going on for thousands of years, there has been standards since man discovered there were others in different parts of the land that might have been different then they are. We have been given wisdom, knowledge and given history so we can see how things were back then when education was limited. When you look back in history this hatred and division have never ended well. There were a lot of innocent people that died because of others feeling they were superior to them or for power. Now we are shown that it does not matter to the Earth, Universe, God, whatever you may see as the higher being, yet it feels we are still not getting the message. It amazes me that when we see "Aliens" from another world in movies or programs they see themselves as beings from that planet not the location of where they lived. Yet we call "aliens" to those that live in another country. Why is that, why are we separate just because we live in another continent?
This COVID-19 has reached Global Masses and instead of it bringing us closer together, it has made us more frustrated and still putting blame on others. This virus shows it has no discriminating factor and those really affected are those with poor immune system and those with strong immune system prefer not taking precautions and no concerns for others as they refuse to wear PPE to protect others as well as themselves. They can spread it to their friends, co-workers, family and other individuals they be close to. There has been a message that has been spread through the media that "we are all in it together and we will get through it together." It is a wonderful statement but even with this message being spread others still prefer to continue showing their hatred to events, officials and want to keep wondering why is God letting this happen.
One thing that I know for sure and as I believe in "guides" that are messengers from God, that "Mother Earth" is hurting and as we inherited this planet from "God" it is us who has failed the planet and all organisms in this planet. As we keep ignoring the cries of this planet we will continue to pay the price for our actions. My hope is that we will get the message before we completely destroy this planet and everything in it. We are all part of this world and the universe and it is us to find the solutions, we can always pray on it but we need to actually listen. It seems from our results we haven't been doing that very well. We all need to be part of the solution and not the problem and as we throw hate around as a healer, I am here to state this negative hurtful energy is destroying this world. We are polluting this world not only with waste materials but also with our negative energies towards others and situations.
There have been many that protest the wrong doings of others, which that part is important to bring awareness and bring justice do remember that solutions that are not followed by demeaning others is what needs to be achieved. One note if we are going to look at injustices, lets look at all injustices not just racial, religious or economical equations. There must be understanding and love as well as "forgiveness" this all comes from Jesus teaching and a lot of great masters (teachers). There was never separation all were welcomed and all were giving the teachings, so why can we not improve our views when these teachings occurred thousands of years ago!!
Let us pray for "Love, Understanding and Forgiveness" let us all embrace our differences and realize that is what makes this world great. How boring will it be if we all have the same cultures and beliefs!! I think it is beautiful and so interesting to see how other people see the world and their land as well as what they believe in which is mainly "pure light and love". Don't feed into the darkness for it will only bring you darkness, feed the light there you will find your purpose!!
Sending my love and compassion and giving my virtual hugs!!!
God Bless you and all those that are close to you.
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