Alone vs Lonely

When some people have a break up they might feel lost and a sadness that over comes them, wanting to move ahead but not sure how.  No matter if the breakup was long over-do and it was a positive change in one's life, there still is a feeling of grief.  The dreams of what "your life would be", "future home", "traveling when you both retired" and those plans you first made when the "suppose" love
was there.  All that has been given up so quickly that you can not seem to have enough time to catch your breath.  Whatever was invested in the relationship if it was time, sharing space, finances, credit support, career support, etc. one thing that we all have given is our "heart".  This one is very difficult to repair especially when trust issues were involved.

There is sooo much that is given from oneself in a relationship that it is amazing that we just jump back in the water after going through so much turmoil.  How fast is too fast to start another relationship?  I strongly believe that if you have not learned from the previous relationship then it is too soon to start another, chances are that you will make the same mistakes (even though it might be a different situation) again.  Is it worth having you heart broken again and go through the same grief again feeling even more lost then before?  I honestly don't believe it is worth that and the other person should not pay for someone elses' mistakes. 

There is nothing worse then feeling lonely yet it has nothing to do with being alone.  I felt lonely when I was with my last relationship more then now when I am alone (separated).  Now I enjoy my home (again) for the space is mine to give it the life I want to express to the world of who I am.  I do not have to share my plans with anyone else and feel as I need their approval or fear their judgement.  I enjoy my "alone time" and being granted the time to work on my personal projects instead of someone elses.  Not every relationship is the same but this one was a repeat of one I had years ago (1st husband) even though some situations were alittle different the truth was I did not learn from the first relationship.  In my case enough time did pass but I did start listening to others and due that I was getting older started thinking I was lonely.  Therefore I made choices that I really should have not made and did not question the doubts that I was feeling. 

There is time to be adventerous with your life, but not with your heart or someone elses'!
When you tell someone you "Love" them, it should be something that you feel deep in your core, not something you say just to get them to do what you want them to do or to make them happy.

To be alone does not mean you are lonely, this is a feeling that can happen even if you are surrounded by a group of people.  If your home is not your haven then find out why and make it your place to escape from the stress of the world.  Even if you have a family I feel both parents should have their own space that they can escape too.  There is a saying that states "We are born alone and we die alone", so why not be the best friend to yourself that you have always longed for.  For each of us really only have ourselves 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (366 on leap year) so why should we not be our own best friend and do for ourselves what we would do for our true friends and family.  Think about it are you one of those that when you only have $5 in your pocket and you see this really cute item that is $3 that you don't need but you really like to have and then you see another item that is $4 that reminds you of your partner that you feel they would love to have, which one do you buy.?  If you answered your partner then you know that you put yourself last, then when they leave you kick yourself for now you can't find that cute item and they just threw away the item you bought for them that you thought they would love.  Funny isn't it!!!

Love yourself, for then you know that you will always be truly loved!


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