Addictions - Not Always Noticed
When you hear the word “Addiction”, what’s honestly the first thing that comes to your mind? The first thing that comes to my mind the majority of the time is alcohol or drugs, for that turns into a chemical dependency beyond the mental or emotional state. Yet addictions can be to anything physical, emotional or thoughts actually even with relationships to people or a cause. The majority of us get so wrapped up in our lives that we don’t take the time to analyze what’s happening with us health wise including the whole person “body, mind & spirit” so it can become to grow into an addiction. When you start realizing there is a problem even though your love ones keep bringing it to your attention its when the floor drops on you that it makes you Wake Up and you Face the Truth that you have become an addict. It is not an easy step to take for admitting that what or whom you like becomes an obsession it can then become an addiction. There was one...