Fallen When there are times that you feel that when you finally get yourself off the ground, there’s another hurdle close to you waiting for you, to see if you can jump that one smoothly or will it cause you to trip and have you fall once more. This hurdle seems to you higher and with extreme exhaustion you feel as you can’t gather enough strength to run nonetheless to jump another hurdle and a larger one at that!! You realize that there are two Options; 1. Wave the White Flag and Quit 2. Pick yourself Up even though you may feel that you will Fail this One There is honestly a 3rd Option and amazingly it requires no amount of Strength but it does Require your complete FAITH! The key is for this is my Testimony to YOU: LET GO and LET GOD!!!! The simple action is to ASK GOD to help you and your job is to follow him! It’s like when you are caught in that rapid stream that you have let go for you no longer have the strength...