What is Faith in God
What is Faith in God? As I start this New Year 2023, I have been reflecting the past year “2022” that I have experienced. There were a lot of sorrow, loss, pain, joy, excitement, new friendships and the most important was personal growth! I have had to fully “LET GO and LET GOD” more then ever before. Last year was my big “60th” birthday a landmark in which my beautiful ‘stepdaughter’ (from previous marriage that I call her my “chosen daughter”) planned a great venture on a Dinner Cruise the including guests were; my niece, nephew-in-law, a wonderful friend of hers, her mom and her mom’s friend. It was an amazing night even though I wore very tight shoes that I barely could stand on but still that did not ruin my night. It was perfect with a beautiful sky including the Full Moon before Spring Equinox with the sky a little cloudy that caused a beautiful haze on the view of the full moon. Before my birthday I lost (passed) my 71/2 year old male cat name...