Have I been here before? - Reincarnation

Tweet I prayed to the Holy Spirit to give me clarity about Reincarnation and this is the message I received: "As we live so we must be perceived and our legacy will be written." Was not completely clear about this message so I went to my source who is awesome at interpreting messages as well as dreams, my other half, my niece. She told me that it matters not what we believe if we are reincarnated or not the main importance is to focus on this life for this one is the one that matters and you will be remembered for. Well she went into more detail but honestly I don't remember all of it so this was the main fact that the message was trying to relay. I have always believed we are reincarnated some for many times and others for just a few. The question is are we really or is this just a fantasy that we want to believe? The reason I did ask the Holy Spirit for guidance (which am starting that practice to better my relationship with the entire trinity) wa...